Saturday, January 29, 2022

Spiritual Warfare Prayers for Targeted Individauls a.k.a Empowered Individuals of God against your Targeting

Shared November 23rd 2018 at
Posted 01-29-2022

Know what you are called to do for God and why you are here.
Many are called, but few are chosen, God calls anyone,

Pls before you pray these prayers or warfare make sure you are clean before God, don't go into the battle with a wilful sin without praying and asking God for forgiveness of Sins, The Bible says if we confess our sins , he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and trespasses, so between you and God, get real and honest with him , confess sins of pride, arrogance, lust, fornication , adultery, shacking up, pornography, and any easily besetting sins, tell him you repent and mean that repentance with your heart and make an effort to repent, lip-repentance does not count, ask God for the grace to overcome if you are struggling, he is faithful, remember it's not by power or might but by God's Spirit, God Bless
Prayer Points"

1) In the Name of Jesus Christ i Claim back all i have lost as a result of being Targeted by the Enemy, and his serpent seed-line in the mighty name of Jesus Christ- just as the israelites spoiled the Egyptians and recovered 400 plus years worth of slavery of Goods, wealth and blessings of God, so also you can ask God to do the same for you

2) In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, the son of God, I command the fire of God to propel me , and my life, out from this Targeting, into what God has for me, I ask in prayer for the majestic glory of God to cover and surround me, I ask in prayer specially heavenly father that you display you power to deliver and protect me uniquely, and that no power will ever be able to match your work in my life, I give myself to you Lord God as a vessel to be used for your glory in Jesus Christ's Name Amen

3) In the Name of Jesus Christ, the son of God,Satan i rebuke you, I am a seed of God, I refuse to be compromised, in the name of Jesus Christ, i rebuke you and command you to flee from my life utterly in all forms you are coming or have come into my life, GET OUT ! in the mighty name of Jesus Christ , Amen, I seal my life from your influence and ask God in faith to him to give me the grace to resist your evil schemes to deceive me from knowing who i am in Jesus Christ, in Jesus Christ's name, Amen

4) in the name of Jesus Christ, i command the lightening of God's glory and majesty to strike ever serpent power utilized against me , to deceive me or poison me, i take the spear of God strike the head of every serpent through and with the power of God i wield the Glistering Sword d of God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ and sever the head of every serpent attacking my life and his little impy seeds in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Amen

5) Lord God Almighty tonight and each and every day , send your majestic mighty ones of your warring host of your Angels to surround my life and bring me into your glorious presence out of darkness into your marvelous light in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

6)In the name of Jesus Christ i reject, dis-avow and Dis-annual every and any claim of Satan and his seed-line and his gangs to rule over, around or against my life in any form or manner in Jesus Christ's Name, Amen.

7)Lord God Almighty,Bring me to the Valley of Victory over my Targeting, and make me Victorious in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ,

8) Lord God Almighty take they majestic rod and break in pieces every and any oppressor, suppressor and depressor(s) in my life, break off the affliction of those afflicting my life, break the hand of the oppressor, depressor and suppressor over or in my life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen,

9) Ask God to release his warring Angelic hosts to match pound for pound all the gang-stalkers coming up against you, and destroy their networks in Jesus Christ's name , Amen

10) In the mighty name of Jesus Christ i seal myself with the blood of Jesus Christ, and i command the fore of God to burn down ever satanic, Occultic, Babylonian, Chaldean, Ashtarotic, Pagan, Roman, Vatican, Egyptian witchcraft or power that's Targeting my life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Amen

11) In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, every and all satanic power utilized over my life, i command them all to expire by the fire of the Holy Ghost and be burnt to Ashes in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Amen

12) Heavenly Father God, empower me to crush the serpent and destroy the serpent and his seed-line, and his influence and power over my life and family in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Amen,

13) Heavenly Father send you angelic terror hosts, warring hosts, destroying hosts, battling hosts and all your hosts to cut off all and every single cord of satan, and his seed-line have wrapped me with ,frustrate their machinations and schemes and destroy them all and set me free completely in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen

14) Every snare made out to en-snare me, i command it to be consumed with the fire of the Holy Ghost in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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