Saturday, January 15, 2022


Deliverance Prayer from Alcohol Addiction    

                      and Alcoholism

Confession: 1 John 1:9

Heavenly Father God, I come before you and i confess and repent of any and all sins I've committed resulting in the addiction to Alcohol and the such like in the name of Jesus Christ

Opening Scripture : Psalm 124:7

Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers, The Snare is Broken, and we are escaped

Sin opens the door for the enemy to come boldly into an individuals life , so as to ENSNARE their souls, when you feel uncomfortable about a sin, that's your soul telling you it doesnt want to be ensnared OR it wants to break free, God is using your soul to speak to you, but often time the veil and blindfold of sin covers up that part of your soul that has a free will to accept God's touch and call to confess repent and seek his presence so you can be SET Free, 

for Jesus Christ came to set the captives free.


The demons and the devil use this snare to prevent the person affected from breaking free from their control , 

it's no different when an animal say a chicken is captured by a farmer or individual, but is allowed to roam for a season before it is killed , done away desposed off,

when we sin demons are restricted by God for a season and time and based on his mercy and grace from destroying us completely, so they are permitted to torment , and make you their spoil for a season if you come under their snare, 


But in the name of Jesus Christ , I  command that SNARE of and to Alcoholism and the demon behind the addiction to ALCOHOLISM TO BREAK in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

 In Continuation: So a cord ( SNARE) is tied around the leg of the chicken so it cannot and will not be able to break free into complete freedom, it's " freedom" is unreal and restricted permitting or allowing it to roam within the confines of the snare( cord, snare+ addiction) and within a certain circumference or area, but with no new ground to cover

Today, Proclaim and declare : I Refuse to be ENSNARED, imprisoned by the addiction to Alcohol (or any type of addiction) in the name of Jesus Christ Amen !!!

 A Spiritual occurs, so much so the devil leads a person by coercion, submission, manipulation to seek something to fill the void the enemy created in the Individuals life,  if you are that person ask God to fill that void that demons of alcohol is attempting to fill but cannot because its a counterfeit filler in the name of Jesus Christ.

In continuation the individual turns to something opposite to directly seeking God but instead the person turns to alcohol , sex, drugs, cigarette addictions, and  smoking substances  and the such like  thus widening the void.

 The Pleasure gained from the addiction to alcohol and any other addiction is short-loved, but destructive the soul. The Bible says the soul that sinneth shall die

 God wants to do something everlasting in your life MAKE ROOM FOR HIM  NOW !!

Let's Close out for now and step into Prayer


1) In the name of Jesus Christ, ever power tying me , my soul my mind- conscious, sub-conscious, unconscious to Alcohol Addiction , BREAK, BREAK, BREAK ,BREAK ! ! !  IN THE MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS CHRIST, the son of God Amen 

(you can sample this for other addictions)

2) it is written : If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed in John 8:36

whosoever the father God has  set free is free indeed, therefore 

this freedom provided me in the word of God in John 8:36  is my right  and privilege, 

Therefor in the name of JESUS CHRIST the son of God, i claim, my spiritual, physical, emotional and all round freedom from the bondage, snare, cure, yoke , cycle, addiction to Alcohol, Alcoholism and any other addictions in the mighty matchless name of Jesus Christ, Amen

3) By the Power in the blood of Jesus Christ, I break all curses of  Alcoholism  and the addiction to alcohol in  my life in the name of Jesus Christ.

4) In the name of Jesus Christ i reject the desire to drink alcohol or to be enticed, seduced to alcohol in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Amen 

5) in the name of Jesus Christ, i command every demon that came into me  through this alcohol addiction or through any means that has brought me to be a drunkard or " sipping saint" , be ejected from my life by the east wind of God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ and  i command such demons be bound every one of them and cast into the pits of hell never to come back to me or torment me again the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen

 ( The East wind is mentioned in the word of God , used by God to bring judgment or remove things or demons or people) this is scripturally based

6) In the name of Jesus Christ I pick up the sword of the Living God ( Ephesians 6:10-18) and I defy the demon , principality, entity,ruling over me through alcoholism and the addiction to alcohol in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen

7) In the name of Jesus Christ i command the fire of the Living God be increased 7 -fold ,travel locate  in my life, All ALTARS, all altars in the  emotional centers of my mind and every other altars empowering the demons of alcoholism  and consume both the Altars AND THE DEMONS TO ASHES in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen.

8) By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ , Every Demonic Soul-tie, covenant, ritual, with anyone or any demon or entity, whatever it maybe that is benefiting at my own expense of shame, disgrace, loss of loved ones,  e.t.c with or through the addiction to Alcoholism or any other related and unrelated addiction be severed by the sword of the living God, and I command in the name of Jesus Christ the demons linked with this be arrested bound hand and foot by the angels of the living God and cast into the pit of Hell, never to return again in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.

9) In the mighty name of Jesus Chrost i sever every veiled and unveiled ) ancestral, generational, inherited  e.t.c)spiritual cords tying me, linking me  to any demons of alcoholism be it ancestral, generation, family,environmental, state wide, worldwide , person  in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, 


Word of Knowledge from God on the above Demons operate through a hive mind formation , so every soul they capture they link to their hivemind network ,so if they lose control over one they can call on the other demons to try and re-establish the link.

10) Heavenly Father God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, make the desire for alcohol that has led to my addiction to disappear  in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, take away the desire and make it bitter to me and my taste buds in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

give me the power to resist the urges responsible for this in the name of Jesus Christ , and not only resist but have the DOMINION over it in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ.

11) Heavenly Father God , set me FREE from all Demonic IMPRISONMENT, caused by, through or with the addiction to Alcoholism  in my life, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

12) By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ , I reclaim  all legal ground i have give the enemy through Alcohol, alcohol addiction , sex, pornography and any related and unrelated addictions in the mighty name of Jesus Christ , Amen

13) By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ, i claim back all my wasted years, divine promises, breakthrough, virtues , blessings, that i have lost or am about to lose through the addiction to the demons of alcohol addiction, alcoholism and any other related and unrelated addictions in my life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Amen

14) Lord God Almighty, as your word says  in Psalm 61:2

      From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my 

      heart is overwhelmed, Lead me to the rock that is higher 

      than I"

      so Dear God , Lift me up to the rock that is higher than the 

      addiction to alcohol in my life and any other related and 

      unrelated  or cor-related addictions in the mighty name of 

      Jesus Christ  Amen .


15) Dear God , set me free from the Yoke , and hold brought by anger, rage, pride , arrogance, possession and submission to leviathan demon, python spirits, and any other demons, that has led me to alcoholism, binge drinking in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

To be continued....... More Prayers coming soon

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