Friday, January 21, 2022


                    Prayers against Untimely Death 

 1 john1:9 says if we confess our sins God is faithful and just to forgive all out sins and trespasses 

So it's important to deal with this specific issue and any and all issues at the root 

The root of all negativity in life is sin 

So confess and repent of any personal sins sins of your prior generations ( parents , ancestors and the such like )

After ask God for spiritual strength 

Pray these prayers every night after midnight this is the time for spiritual warfare 

Some fasting is recommended but be led by the spirit of God 

If you try this without fasting and you still dealing with it then you need to Amp your spiritual gears and then fast and pray 

If you need  direct prayers pls send a msg using the contact link to the side of this page or send me a message 

Disclaimer : I exercise divine discernment to accept or decline direct prayers so pls don’t take anything personal . 

God is loving but he doesn’t want us to be lazy sometimes he may want you to pray so you can grow in your faith sometimes he can strengthen your faith by having an anointed man or woman of God wi the abs without a title to pray for you 

1)  By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I break all All generational Curses of untimely death In my ancestry and generation in the name of Jesus Christ amen

2) It is written I shall not die but live to declare the works of the living God THEREFORE every power that is enforcing and empower any ancestral and generational curses of untimely death over me my family or bloodline generation or ancestry , LOOSE  your HOLD from me in the mighty name oF JESUS CHRIST - YESHUA 

3) In the name of Jesus Christ the Son of God every covenant of death and untimely death over my life my family and my loved ones  BREAK , BREAK , BREAK by the power in the blood of Jesus Christ amen

 ( say the word “BREAK WITH Super intense passion and Emotion ) 

4) In the name of Jesus Christ every cauldron of death following me my family my bloodline my ancestry my generation catch fire in the name of Jesus  Christ , be CONSUMED by the fire of GOD in the name of Jesus for the Lord God Almighty is a consuming fire therefore be consumed and destroyed by the fire of God in the name of Jesus Christ AMEN .

5) In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I decree and declare based on the word of God in  the book of Job 22 verse 28 that whatever I decree it shall be established and the light of it shall be on my way therefore in the name of Jesus Christ I decree and declare that the siege of untimely death in my family in my life be terminated by the fire of God in the name of Jesus Christ AMEN 

6) In the name of Jesus Christ it is written in the book of. 2 Corinthians 517 if any man be in Christ he is a new creature old things have passed away and therefore all things become new I DECREE in the name of Jesus Christ the Son of God that the old history of untimely death ,repeated deaths, cycles of death ,mysterious death(s) death by wickedness,  death by murder death, by abortion , death by destiny perversion,  death by satanic rituals , death by occultic rituals death in any form or manner that is not authorized by God In my family and my ancestry and bloodline and generation be hereby destroyed and consumed by the fire of God in the name of Jesus Christ the son of God. AMEN 

In addition I’ll speak life from the Lord Jesus Christ right now over my life my lineage my bloodline and my family in the mighty name of Jesus Christ the son of God .AMEN 

7) By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I soak myself , immerse myself in the blood of Jesus Christ by the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I soak or IMMERSE my bloodline my DNA my soul my spirit my family my ancestry anything connected to me in the blood of Jesus Christ amen

8) By the power in the name of Jesus Christ I come under the covenant power in the blood of Jesus Christ heavenly father God please hide me and my family under the covenant power AND IN the covenant power of the blood of Jesus Christ therefore no death shall reign over me my family my love once my children my ancestry or anything connected to me in righteousness in the name of Jesus Christ amen

9) In the name of Jesus Christ I command the stroke of death over my life be broken in the name of Jesus Christ the stroke of death over my life is over by the power in the name of Jesus Christ amen

10) In the name of Jesus Christ heavenly father God Almighty the ancient of days the I AM THAT I AM the beginning and the END , The  revealer of secrets reveal all secrets blood oaths, secret  curses , open and closed curses, secret covenants of untimely death and repeated death , mysterious deaths and anything else that is not sanctioned by you reveal all such secrets to me Dear God in the name of Jesus Christ amen

11) In the name of Jesus Christ heavenly father with the blood of Jesus Christ I ask that you pay back every ancestral generational debts of unforgiveness bitterness grudges rage murder abortion blood oaths covenants and the suchlike responsible for this curse of of untimely death, sudden death, repeated deaths  please pay it now in the name of Jesus Christ amen

12) Heavenly father give me a new bloodline and disconnect me from this corrupted evil bloodline  of death connect me to the bloodline of life in the name of Jesus Christ the bloodline of Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus Christ amen

13) Heavenly father God I claim in the name of Jesus Christ the bloodline of Jesus Christ as a replacement for every unclean and evil bloodline of untimely death in the name of Jesus Christ amen

14) By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ all evil refreshments on evil alters done in any part of the world north south east or west of the world or in the realm of a spirit or heaven lies resulting in these deaths in my life and my family be here by disannulled by the power in the blood of Jesus Christ amen

15) In the name of Jesus Christ by the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I break all evil covenants blood oats or cultic satanic cults and covenants tying me, linking me , visiting me , attaching me  to every covenant of death in the name of Jesus Christ amen

16) By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ every evil covenant ,ritual ,sacrifice , evil refreshments and the suchlike resulting in an untimely death that is benefiting any satanic bloodlines or anybody on this earth directly and indirectly covertly and overtly BREAK  right now  AND FOREVER by the power in the blood of Jesus Christ the blood of Jesus Christ block stop obliterate and consume with the fire of God all such evil refreshments in the name of Jesus Christ amen

17) By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I erase every evil mark that is mocking me spiritually and physically with the spirit or attack of untimely death in the name of Jesus Christ amen

18) By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I claimed the mark of the blood of Jesus Christ upon myself and my family for it is written by beer in my body the mock of a large Jesus Christ henceforth let no man trouble me and therefore whatever is spirit demon entity being a person that is trouble in my family are visiting my family with the curse of untimely death I commands right now your mock be raised by the blood of Jesus Christ the Son of God and trouble me no more beer your trouble forever if you were failed to repent in Jesus name amen

19 )By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I reclaim back every blessing every virtue every break through every divine glories that the spirit of death or the curse covenant off of untimely death has stolen from me and my ancestry that has been divinely appointed by God I reclaim all these positive lessons virtues and glory back in the name of Jesus Christ amen

20) It is written in Isaiah chapter 28 verse 18 and your covenant with the death shall be disannulled and your agreement with hail shower not stand when the overflowing scorch shall pass through then you shall be trodden down by it therefore in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ 

For in the name of Jesus Christ by the power vested in the blood of Jesus Christ I nullify and disannul all covenants of death all agreements with hell I decree all of them be nullified and the name of Jesus I command the overflow in scorch of the Almighty God to pass through and let it shut down any person or anything that has been enforcing is about to enforce or is enforcing any covenants curses spells alts covenants rituals altars of untimely death against me and my family in the name of Jesus Christ amen

If you wish to support or make a donation of love offering pls do so below 

God Bless You 

This rosters was done by divine guidance and labor

The Bible says a laborer is worthy of his wages , pls support those in the delivernace ministry as the devil always attacks their finances and lives 

Support prayerfully , financially and however divine appointed as necesssry to ensure they are never ina place where they begin to comprise 

Cashapp: Targeted4JesusChrist 


For live deliverance prayers pls join in via TikTok 

Thursday’s 7-9pm

Sundays :4-7-7:30pm


click the circle with the logo button that says “LIVE” 

Prayer requests can be sent also online via TikTok or Instagram 

God Bless. 

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