Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Deliverance prayers against Sexual Lust, Pornography,Masturbation Sexual Fantasy and the such like

Deliverance prayers against Sexual Lust, Pornography,Masturbation Sexual Fantasy and the such like 


Heavenly father God your verses in first John chapter 1 verse two first John chapter 1 verse nine if I confess my sins you are faithful and just to forgive me of all my sins trespasses and iniquities so I can face and repent of any and all sins leading to directly and indirectly overtly and covertly to sexual lost pornography masturbation sexual fantasy sexual experiments or exploration I confess it all in the name of Jesus Christ and I repent of all these sins give me the strength I need father to stand strong and resist the temptation of these in the name of Jesus Christ the Son of God amen

  1. In the name of Jesus Christ by the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I break every yolk bondage captivity spell hex Caging  incantation witchcraft sorcery that is responsible for my addiction to sex in a perverted way or masturbation or pornography sexual Cults  sexual orgies and any other sexual perversions in the name of Jesus Christ amen
  2. Father God I consecrate myself to you and I is that you sanctify every part of my body including the sexual areas of my life with the blood of Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus Christ amen
  3. Place your hand on your sexual organ or  your secret area and say by the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I reclaim back the divine seal and I reclaim back my sexual organs that are in possession control manipulation by the demons of incubus succubus sexual lost Baal , Lilith  spirits,  Andromeda principality and any other spirits  because of my involvement directly and indirectly with the sin of sexual immorality pornography masturbation sensuality,  sexual orgies Hiring  prostitutes male or female or experimenting with my sexual life or parts in the name of Jesus Christ amen
  4. By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I reclaim back all my seed my sperm my egg the demons have taken in the spiritual realm to create satanic occultic  babies or entities or creatures may the fire of God consumed them all in the name of Jesus Christ amen
  5. By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I break every yolk bondage captivity covenant alters blood oath sex oaths or sex rituals satanic ritual abuse us that is tied to me or has been transmitted  it to me through inheritance ancestry or by generation or personal involvement directly indirectly in the name of Jesus Christ amen
  6. Heavenly father God I ask that you heal me from all sexual traumas caused by sex rituals molestation rape pedophilia or any other sexual perverse acts that were performed on me willfully and non-willfully from the time I was born till my present age in the name of Jesus Christ amen
  7. By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ every satanic ritual abuse that is being used to drain my life source drain my blessings keep me in an unproductive lifestyle be destroyed by the fire of God in the name of Jesus Christ amen
  8. By the power of the blood of Jesus Christ I disannul any secret known and unknown covert and overt satanic ritual abuse satanic  ritual abuse blood sacrifices sexual and nonsexual that is benefiting anyone or demon entity Diety or principality Satanist or befitting any one  in human form and non-human form  for their advancement in their satanic cults or groups MAY  those satanic benefits and tokens be destroyed and consumed by the fire of God in the name of Jesus Christ may THE  human agents be convicted by the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus Christ amen
  9. By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I CLAIM  a sound mind in the name of Jesus Christ amen
  10. By the power in the name of Jesus Christ I bind up all demons of sexual lust immorality uncleanliness lasciviousness pride, pornography  homosexuality bisexuality lesbianism and any other demands associated with these sexual purpose practices or lifestyles and I commend they all  be cast into the lake of fire bound  with everlasting chains they can never be broken never to torment me or anyone again in the name of Jesus Christ
  11. By the authority and the power vested in the name of Jesus Christ I break all ungodly soul ties tying  me to every and all individuals if you remember the names of the characters from porn websites you can mention them or mention the ones that you have had sexual contact with:  I say break all ties with so-and-so in the name of and I reclaim every fragment of my soul personality identity physically and spiritually that has been transferred to the porn star or the individuals that I’ve had sex with in the name of Jesus Christ the Son of God amen
  12. By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I command every  fragments of the soul identities personalities of anyone connected to me in a non-godly sexual manner  or form be restored back to them in the name of Jesus Christ amen
  13. I plead the blood of Jesus over my body I soak my body in the blood of Jesus I immerse  my body from head to toe with the blood of Jesus may every mark  marking  me physically and spiritually so that the demons of Incubus Succubus baal and Lilith spirits and any  sex demons can locate me in the spirit of physical realm may  those marks be erased  by the blood of Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus Christ amen
  14. By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I renounce every active and passive covenant relationship consciously subconsciously and unconsciously with any sex demons sex violator demons incubus succubus spirit Baal  spirits Lilith spirits , Andromeda  principalities and any other sex principalities of demons because of my sexual sinful lifestyle in the name of Jesus Christ amen
  15. It is written and they overcame him the dragon the Devil by the blood of the lamb and by the word of the testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ so father God give me the power to overcome this draconian devilish satanic addiction to porn masturbation, homosexuality , bisexuality  sexual perverse lifestyles in the name of Jesus Christ amen
  16. By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I break chains and shackles tying me to this ungodly sexual perverse  practices and lifestyles in the name of Jesus Christ amen
  17. In the name of Jesus Christ I bind all demons unclean demons and spirits responsible for any unclean ungodly sexual lifestyles in my life in the name of Jesus Christ amen
  18. By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I asked father God that you shield  me and protect me from all demonic satanic counterattacks and countdown salts because of this prayer against the enemy in the name of Jesus Christ amen
  19. Holy Spirit crucified the death of the flesh inside of me and around me and over me and help me to live a life of your life in the spirit a spirit lead life led by the Holy Spirit of God in the name of Jesus help me to walk in the spirit and not be consumed or hooked  it or attentive to the works of the flesh in the name of Jesus Christ give me a spiritual mind of God of Christ which is not going to submit or pay attention to the  carnal  of mind in the name of Jesus for to be spiritually minded is eternal life to be carnally minded is death so I choose life eternal life through the mind of Christ given to me in the name of Jesus Christ amen. 

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