Thursday, January 13, 2022

Prayers for Protection 01-08-2022

 PSALM 34:7 The Bible says the Angel of the Lord God encamps round about them who put their trust in the Lord God 

The following prayers are posted to assist and guide you to an effective prayer life so that you can be Blessed , lifted to God’s Presence and be an Effective Fervent Prayer Warrior 

Before you see protection you should ensure you don’t have anything around you or over you that will deny God’s protection over you life : any sin can deny God’s hedge of protection because it is a legal ground for the enemy so 

Pray and confess your sins faults get rid of cursed objects in your possession - Divination objects such as crystals , tarot cards , Gemstones , smoking pipes(demons of Hell and the such like ) 

Pray with 1 John 1:9

It says if we  confess our sins God is faithful to forgives us of all our sins 

Heavenly Father God I confess and repent of any and all sins that has breached or removed your hedge of protection around me in the name of Jesus Christ 

In the r name of Jesus Christ I claim back five hedge of protection and angelic protection from God and you God over my life my finances my home my business my minsitru( for those in ministry) my gifts, my giftings and the such like in the name of Jesus Christ 

By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I break every yoke , bondage , curse , spell , incantation raised against me directed against me that’s hindering me or opposing me opening the doors for demonic , occultic , satanic and marine attacks in the mighty name of Jesus Christ 

By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I nullify any rituals - blood rituals , sex rituals, child sacrifice , animal sacrifice , fetish rituals demonic programming that’s attacking my personal life and opening doors to strip me of my peace sanctity and the such like in the mighty name of Jesus Christ 

By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ , in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I bind up all demons attacking me and cast them to the pits of hell in the name of Jesus Christ 

Father God your word says in Psalm 34:6 your angels  encamp round about those who FEAR YOU and put their TRUST in You . So father put your divine fear in me ( obedience and reverence ) and enhance and upgrade my trust in you in the name of Jesus Christ 

Lord God your word says we are called to an innumerable company of angels I claim this promise in your word in Hebrew 12:22 and I decree supernatural protection in my life in the name of a Jesus Christ 

Every altar enabling the enemy to break through and assault molest , desecrate or use me for evil vices be destroyed by the fire of the Holy Spirit in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen 

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