Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Prayers to recover your Children




1.Father God I confess and repent of my and all sins thy were committed in my parental failure be it spiritually or physically in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen . 

2. Dear God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I close all spiritual doors I or my children have opened for satan and demons to enter , gate-crash into my life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ 

 3. By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I vtekaball active ,latent and Passive curses bondages, spells, hexes ,incantations roots,potions,voodoo, love spells, Santeria, black magic and the such like over my Child or children ( mention their names and pray the prayers for  each of them if you have multiple children ) 

4. By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I claim spiritual authority as divinely appointed by God over all my children and child to the glory of God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen 

(Mention their names 

5. Lord God almighty set a watch over my child and children in the name of Jesus Christ that they might not be destroyed in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen 

6. Lord God assign a reporting angel to give me reports about my child and their activities on the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen 

7. In the name of Jesus Christ the son of the living God mi speak the word of God over my child (mention their names fully ) and I command the fire of God to to surround my child for the Lord God Almighty whose dwelling is between the CHERUBIMS is a consuming fire , 

8, I command in the name of Jesus Christ the fire of God to isolate and remove all negative influences in around over and underneath my child or children ( mention their name(s) in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen 

9. BY THE POWER IN THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST I COUNTERPETITION You satan, you cannot have use or destroy my child through any form of anger, bitterness, rage, unforgivness, drugs, addiction

Mention them (1) Porn (2) Lust (3)immortality (4)homosexuality (5) bisexuality (6) witchcraft (7)Occult 

10. Heavenly Father lay your mighty heavy hand over my child in the mighty name of Jesu Christ . Amen

11. In the name of Jesus Christ I bind all demons thy have or about to possess my child or children and command them you to leave and never return in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen 

( say this repeatedly especially when negative behaviors manifest )

12. Lord God Almighty as Job prayed for his children in his absence concerning their sins , so I also on behalf of my child or children I pray for you for their their disobedience all their secret sins and I rosy through the working of your Holy spirit you convict them in the name of Jesus Christ Amen 

13. In the name of Jesus Christ , every covenant made by me or anyone , by my unsaved spouse of the posits sex or anyone in my immediate or extended family or down or up my generational ladder or tree of my self or my spouse of the opposite sex concerning my child or children , BREAK !  BREAK !!  BREAK !!!! By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ . In the name of Jesus  Christ Amen 

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