Sunday, January 8, 2023

Prayers to destroy evil rituals evil refreshments on evil alters

 Prayers to destroy evil rituals evil refreshments on evil alters

Father God I come before you right now and I confess and repent of any sins that  may prevent my prayers for being answered by you in the name of Jesus Christ cleanse me with your blood and wash me and make me whole in the name of Jesus Christ amen

By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I break every ungodly soul tie. tying me to anybody that is using has used or is about to use or initiate any form of demonic satanic rituals or ritual practices whether  by proxy or directly in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I nullify every evil decree every evil request every evil witch, or any individual know or unknown  that is tied to any and all rituals done by anybody against me my destiny my progress my ministry or any or everything that concerns me in the name of Jesus Christ amen

By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ father God I ask that you uproot any evil plantations ritual objects of  and all of my Hair, clothing ,picture ,name, voice print  including anything that can be traced back to me or my image or form I ask father  God in the name of Jesus Christ that you uproot it from wherever it has been planted or is being used to attack  or oppress me, don't let it  harm me in anyway in the name of Jesus Christ amen

In the Name of Jesus Christ, I  command the earth rejects and expel and vomit anything planted into it by anybody as a form of ritual to affect me in any form or way in the name of Jesus Christ, for the earth is the lords and the fullness thereof,

 in the name of Jesus whatever it is that has been used through the earth as a form of ritual to harm me I command it  to lose its power in the name of Jesus Christ amen

In the name of Jesus Christ I command and I decree that every demon attached to any ritual, satanic ritual evil refreshments,  animal rituals ,animal sacrifices ,blood sacrifices ,child sacrifices , human sacrifice, or any form of ritual sacrifice I command all the demons attached to them or empowering such against me hear the word of God touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm therefore in  the name of Jesus Christ I bind  you all up and cast you to the pit of hell in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I bind all the demons that have been sent to enforce any and every form of satanic ritual blood sacrifice and the suchlike against me and cast them to the pit of hell in the name of Jesus Christ

Every curse released or declared over me wished over me spoken over me I commend those curses be broken now in the name of Jesus Christ I am free from all curses every curse sent my way from this moment on will fail shall fail and fall l to the ground before the sender to put put them to shame in the name of Jesus may the hand of the Lord God  effect this  in the name of Jesus amen

Every stubborn pursuer and attacker  attacking me and my destiny for any purpose with any form of ritual sacrifices and such like father God I pray that you frustrate their  tokens I pray that everywhere they go to you send a blocking angel to block each them and each and every action or motion they take, block them wherever they go to ,

Dear God  give them no peace no rest, bring them to repentance and if they  don’t repent Lord God ,  then ldo as you please with their soul in Jesus mighty name amen.

Evil refreshments on evil alters I command you to wither away and die in the name of  Jesus Christ , I command the fire of the living God that burns beyond 1,000,000,000,000°( billion degrees) to  locate all evil rituals, evil refreshments ,  witchcraft, obeah, voodoo ,hoodoo ,Santeria ,black magic ,white magic ,Green magic ,divination objects ,crystals and the such like that are being used or buried against me I command the FIRE OF GOD to destroy all of them 

in the name of  Jesus Christ I command the fire of GOD to dismantle all of them in the name of Jesus Christ I reclaim back whatever belongs to me right now in the name of Jesus Christ amen

 Holy Spirit of the living God in the name of Jesus bring  to nothingness, backdate to nothingness every altar that has been raised against me to perform periodic rituals, psych cyclical rituals ,rituals of any form or manner and  render it completely powerless and useless in Jesus mighty name amen

 In the name of Jesus Christ I ask father God that you proclaim your voice of judgment against every human agent against every jealous, envious individual that is persistently and consistently coming up against me with satanic demonic rituals I asked that you judge them and remove them take away their strength Lord take away their focus from me in the name of Jesus make them weak and weary and tired Dear God  and make them give up on the evil in the name of Jesus let the weight of their evil fall upon them Lord God in the name of Jesus let the weight of their wickedness fall upon them in the name of Jesus thank you God, in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ Amen 

It is written at the name of Jesus Christ every knee shall bow every satanic minister ,satanic priest satanic priestess and the suchlike that have been hired called upon spoken to concerning me Lord GOD send your mighty super giant angels to appear before them and make them bow down forcefully and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the father make them give up and surrender totally in the name of Jesus the son of God amen

The blood of Jesus Christ answers for me the blood of Jesus Christ covers me the blood of Jesus Christ shields me the blood of Jesus Christ is my atonement may the blood of Jesus atone for any transgressions and sins or iniquities of the suchlike that I have committed that is enabling and permitted any form of satanic , occultic, or  witchcraft rituals against me in the mighty name of Jesus Christ amen

In the name of Jesus I command  the  east wind of God to quench all candles witchcraft candles voodoo candles Santeria candles black magic candles all candles and objects in a flame form being used against me fshut them out put them out and render it and powerless and useless in the name of Jesus Christ amen

Every occultic ,demonic satanic dedication rituals initiation rituals initiated against me to interfere, harm ,limit or destroy my progress in life may the thunderbolts of God locate all of them and destroy them and the involved parties in the name of Jesus Christ AMEM.

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