Sunday, October 9, 2022

Deliverance prayer from Homosexuality ,bisexuality, Lesbianism :09-30-2022

 Deliverance prayers against homosexuality bi-sexuality and lesbianism 

heavenly father God I come before you and I confess and repent of any sexual sins or lifestyles that I have been involved in that has brought me or led me and put me in bondage to the sin of homosexuality lesbianism bisexuality bestiality and any other sexual perverse lifestyles in the name of Jesus Christ I asked that you forgive me dear God create in me a new heart and mind and soul through  the power in the name of Jesus Christ amen

  1. By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I break the yoke the bondage and the captivity of homosexuality bisexuality and lesbianism that has been placed upon my life or transmitted transferred attached or inherited in the name of Jesus Christ amen
  2. In the name of Jesus Christ I renounce and reject every lifestyle of homosexuality bisexuality lesbianism and any other sexual perverse lifestyles in the name of Jesus Christ amen
  3. In the name of Jesus Christ I bind and cast out all demons of sexual lust sexual uncleanliness sexual perversion reprobate mind unclean imagination sexual fantasies and any other roots or seeds that has germinated and grown into the sin of homosexuality bisexuality and lesbianism I bind demons and cast them to the pits of hell in the name of Jesus Christ and I commend the fire of God to consume the seeds of homosexuality bisexuality and lesbianism in the name of Jesus Christ amen
  4. Heavenly father God your word says my body is your temple and whoever defiles God’s temple him God shall destroy father God I am very sorry and I confess and repent of the sin of homosexuality lesbianism bisexuality and the suchlike forgive me for defiling my temple which is your temple through the sin of homosexuality bisexuality lesbianism and the suchlike cleanse me with your blood and make Me clean  in the name of Jesus Christ the Son of God created me a new heart and your mind that is totally devoid of any desire pleasure imagination fantasy and the suchlike of homosexuality lesbianism bisexuality in the name of Jesus Christ amen
  5. In the name of Jesus Christ I speak to the root of every sin that has led me into a homosexual bisexual lesbian lifestyle and I commend it to be uprooted and destroyed in the name of Jesus Christ physically and spiritually in the name of Jesus Christ your word says father God that everything you have not planted shall be rooted up and destroyed so ROOT UP AND OUT  and destroy this evil seed and plant and consume it with your consuming fire  in the name of Jesus Christ amen
  6. Heavenly father God disconnect me from every spiritual and physical frequency connecting me to the demon spirits entities beings individuals  sex cults and anything in this natural realm on the supernatural realm that is connected to homosexuality bisexuality lesbianism and such like in Jesus name amen
  7. By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I break every curse spell hex incantation prognostication  incantation sorcery bewitchment evil alters psychic manipulation psychic attacks and any other armory or practices or weaponry of the enemy that is being used against me directly and indirectly covertly and overtly openly and enclosed that is attacking me with the sin of homosexuality bisexuality lesbianism and the suchlike in the name of Jesus Christ amen
  8. By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I reclaim back all my lost virtues glories anointing’s identity and such like that I have lost or has been stolen from me or caged by being involved or practicing or living in a gay homosexual bisexual lesbian lifestyle in the name of Jesus Christ amen
  9. Father God your word says if any man be in Christ he or she is a new creature old things have passed away all things have become new father God in the name of Jesus Christ cause all my gay homosexual lesbian lifestyles patterns and practices to pass away including all sins connected to these lifestyles cause all of them to pass away and a new life in Christ Jesus thank you father God in Jesus name amen
  10. Heavenly father God dissolve consume break shatter obliterate nullify every and anything that is in me around me over me and me inside of me that is pulling me seducing me poisoning me violating me and any form leading to a gay homosexual lesbian lifestyle in the name of Jesus amen
  11. In the name of Jesus Christ every altar in my sexual organs or any part of my body that is being used by demons or any form of a cultic on satanic practices to refresh and renew evil covenants manifesting directly and indirectly with a gay homosexual lesbian practice or lifestyle destroyed right now father God in the name of Jesus Christ amen
  12. Heavenly father God you word says you came to set the captives free I acknowledge that this gay homosexual lesbian lifestyle has put me in a bondage physically and spiritually because you hate the sin but you don’t hate me as the sinner but you hate the sin and I  ask that you O  God set me free in the name of Jesus from the captivity the spiritual imprisonment spiritual bondage physical bondage that the gay homosexual lifestyle has put me in in the name of Jesus Christ amen
  13. Separate me  Dear God from this sin of homosexuality,bisexuality,lesbianism and other sexual acts in the name of Jesus Christ 
  14. Heavenly father God you are mighty to save save me from the filth of homosexuality bisexuality and lesbianism in the name of Jesus Christ
  15. By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I asked father God that you wash my garments clean from all blemishes spots wrinkles that have come up on my life through a gay homosexual lesbian lifestyle in the name of Jesus Christ amen
  16. Heavenly father God give me a mind of Christ a mind that is set on you and mind that does not seek sexual lust in the name of Jesus Christ amen
  17. Father God your word says in James chapter 4 verse seven submit yourself to God resist the devil and he will flee from you so father God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I submit every part of my being from the very top of my head to the very crown of my head to the soles of my feet underneath my feet I submit it to you and I ask that you give me the strength and the power and the anointing through your word through prayer through fasting and through divine ministration for deliverance to resist every urges and ungodly sexual urges every temptation of the enemy in any form be it physical spiritual , or through technology ,  in my dreams or visions that The enemy may try to present through me to me through such mediums or channels to go back, or tempt me to repeat the confessed sins of homosexuality bisexuality and lesbianism in the name of Jesus Christ amen
  18. By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I reclaim back my sexual purity that was stolen from me  and my sexual virginity that was robbed or stolen from me that has been violated or polluted contaminated or wasted away by engaging actively passively in a gay homosexual lesbian lifestyle in the name of Jesus Christ amen
  19. By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I reclaim back every sexual anointing or energy that has been stolen or  is being drained from me passively or actively past present or future through a gay homosexual lesbian lifestyle in the name of Jesus Christ amen
  20. Thou power in the blood of Jesus Christ I ask heavenly father God that you break every hook, energy drain mental drain  emotional drain, soulish drain any drain attached to me physically and spiritually that is draining me because of my direct and indirect involvement with the practice or lifestyle of being gay homosexual or lesbian in the name of Jesus Christ amen