Sunday, January 8, 2023

Prayers against dream pollution

 Prayers against dream pollution 

1.Father God I consecrate my dreams to you and I ask that you SATURATE my dreams with the blood of Jesus Christ and purge out all dream contamination dream pollution and dream poisoning in the name of Jesus Christ amen

2.By the power in the BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST. I nullify every evil DECREE  directed against me through dream pollution, dream contamination or dream invasion in Jesus name,Amen.

 3.The blood of Jesus Christ is against you Satan get out of my dreams in Jesus name, the blood of Jesus Christ is against you , GET OUT  of my dreams you and your  DEMONS of LUST IMMORALITY FORNICATION,  ADULTERY, witchcraft and the such like in the name of Jesus Christ. AMEN.

4.I command  every Evil Altars in my dreams be  completely Destroyed Permanently  in the name  of Jesus Christ AMEN

5.Dear GOD ,Lift me up,Elevate me to  the realm of your glory in the spiritual realm so the enemy cannot invade my dreams , visions , trances in the name of Jesus Christ amen

6.Heavenly Father God in the mighty name of JESUS CHRIST, YESHUA HAMASHIACH, I  invite you into my realm of existence by protect inhabit and be sovereign in my dreams in the spiritual realm and my visions in Jesus name, AMEN

In the name of Jesus Christ , FATHER GOD  I ask that you build a wall of fire ROUND about my dreams and visions I SECURE  my dream with the blood of Jesus Christ, the Word of God and the fire of  God in the name of Jesus Christ send your warrior angels your battle Angels, Security Angels to guide me in my dreams in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen,

Holy Spirit take control of my dreamworld and my vision world so the enemy cannot manipulate oppress, suppress or depress me in my dreams or plant any evil seeds in my dreams in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.

Father God your word says  whatever you have not planted  Shall be ROOTED UP and DESTROYED , therefore I ask   that you send  your angels to locate all hidden passive and active evil seeds evil plantations evil rituals evil burials in my dreams and visions and in the spiritual realm uproot everyone of them and toss them into the consuming fire bowl of Your judgment in hell in Jesus Christ's name, Amen.

Every power of the kingdom of darkness ,Marine powers , Powers in the air tormenting me polluting me invading my dreams CATCH  FIRE be destroyed by the fire of the Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.

In the name of Jesus Christ I command and  decree that every weapon of the enemy directed against me in my dreams shall backfire in the name of Jesus shall backfire and fail in the name of Jesus amen.

Heavenly father make it impossible for the enemy to  use my dreams or visions against me in the name of Jesus Christ amen. Amen

In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I  recover all of my virtues my blessings and dreams which the enemy has stolen from me or contaminated, or locked up I recover it all with the blood of Jesus Christ , In the name of Jesus Christ, I break the locks, I take back what the enemy has stolen, and in the name of Jesus Christ I bind up the strong man or strong women and cast them  into the pits of hell in the name of Jesus, In the name of Jesus Christ

 recover back all that has been stolen for me my dreams in Jesus name Amen.

By the power  in the blood of Jesus Christ I recover back all the blessings virtues glories promises prophecies and anything good  shown to me, directed, spoken or given to me  in my dreams of which I have lost because of the attack of the enemy through  witchcraft attack, occultic ,  marine attack  or any other types of attacks, I recover all in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.

Heavenly Father COmmand and   Position you angels that do not take nonsense to arrest violently and viciously all dream robbers dream manipulators dream polluters  in my dreams and hand them off for judgment in the name of Jesus Christ amen

My dream world and vision World linked to my spiritual realm of existence  be surrounded and sealed with the blood of Jesus the word of God and the fire  of God in Jesus name Amen.

Dear God, Empower my spirit man which is my soul with the  whole armor of God clothe it with the whole armor of God  to destroy the works of the enemy in my dreams in my visions and waking life in Jesus name amen 

it is written No weapon formed against me shall prosper and every Tongue that riseth against me in Judgment shall be condemned, therefore in the name of Jesus Christ I command the weapons  of the enemy directed to attack me in my dreams and visions be destroyed by the Hot fiery Thunderbolts of God,  be destroyed by the east window and smashed to pieces by  the super giant hammer of GOD in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

In the name of Jesus Christ, every demonic animals in my dreams hear the word of God, my body  is the Temple of GOD, whomsoever defiles it shall be destroyed, there  I command the fire of God's Judgment to destroy  every defilement you are bringing, have  brought or about to bring into my life through dream , vision contamination I receive the blood of Jesus Christ I command and decree  all of  it to be roasted to ashes by the fire of God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Amen 

Prophetic Note: Your dreams and visions  are  messages from the Lord GOD ALMIGHTY,  the channels  by which dreams and visions are directed to you is the pathway through which God speaks , your spirit is like a treasure house to receive from God the messages and words that he intends to give you so be very careful  of the treasure House of your heart and your mind for out of those treasures flow  either goodness until the Lord , if you fill it with  the word of God or evil if you’re surrounded or mocked by evil , or fill it will evil from the spiritual junk on social media, T.V and the such like.

God Keeps Those who keep themselves

God bless you

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