Sunday, January 8, 2023

Deliverance Prayers against poverty

 Deliverance Prayers against poverty 

Philippians 4:19 

“But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 4:19 KJV

Heavenly Father I come before you and I ask that you forgive me for any sins transgressions , iniquities and the such like that has caused me to be tormented afflicted  or attacked or in bondage to the curse and spirit of poverty in the mighty name of Yeshua Hamasiach 

By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I renounce all evil covenants  , cycles , oaths of Poverty , be it past present or future affecting my handiwork, provision, progress and divine blessings plus breakthroughs in the mighty name of YESHUA HAMASIACH. Amen 

By the power in the.blood of Jesus Christ I break curses of pride arrogance unforgivness bitterness grudges spites, evil paybacks, evil consultations, consultations to harm people who I have offended or made by anyone in my family in the mighty name of YESHUA HAMASIACH Amen 

My finances is covered by the blood of YESHUA HAMASIACH 

My job and my possessions  is covered by the blood of YESHUA HAMASIACH 

Pls get rid of contaminated or curses possessions or objects ( crystals, stones , jewelry, clothing, satanic ornaments, satanic clothing, arts, new age books , teachings , good luck charms, wristlets of any form or manner, necklaces of any form or manner , strange gifts, mysterious objects in your home,  idols - be they life sized dolls, dolls, toys- sex toys , sex dolls , sex rings, rings that promise you anything if you wear them, pictures of questionable relatives( relatives you are unsure of their salvation, covertly spirits can sue their pictures to harass and attack you, hair or possession of dead relatives gives access for demons to harass you or block your blessings  

Everything touch I cover with the blood of YESHUA HAMASIACH 

I claim divine immunity through the precious  blood Of YESHUA HAMASIACH around above and in my finances against the spirit of poverty in the name of Jesus Christ 

Every spirit of the waster assigned to waste away my fiancé’s be bound in the name of YESHUA HAMASIACH with everlasting  Chains and cast into the pits of hell never to surface again in the name of YESHUA HAMASIACH 

Every Masonic covenant , eastern star covenants covenants with any and every secret societies, covenants with the marine kingdom( mermaid spirits, water spirits, ) and any kingdom of darkness made by my ancestors or generations  linked with my family and finances  , BREAK !!!!! In the mighty name of Yeshua Hamasiach. Amen 

Evil refreshments on evil ALTARS linked to my fiancé’s  . BREAK by the power of God in the mighty name of YESHUA HAMASIACH 

Every evil dedication I have made or anyone has made in my generations or ancestry linking me to any fertility gods(demons, entities, ) by the fullness of the power of YESHUA HAMASIACH I break it all in the name of YESHUA HAMASIACH 

By the fullness of the power of God I reclaim back my spiritual and physical first fruits that the enemy has stolen from me whether by coercion , manipulation willful or non- willful submission to any demons or fallen angels in the mighty name of Jesus Christ 

By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ . I reclaim back all my lost buried stolen wasted breakthroughs virtues and the such like from my past present or future and command them to begin  to manifest in my life fully in the name of Jesus Christ Christ

( Anoint your hands with some olive oil ) first get the oil and pray over it asking God to sanctify . Heavenly Father God , thou ancient of days  your anointing breaks the yoke break all yokes of poverty of my hands in the name of YESHUA HAMASIACH 

Anoint your legs with some olive oil and your feet and soles of your feet and waist line( ensure you pray over the olive oil to sanctify it , THOU ANCIENT OF DAYS Break all curses placed on my HANDS (handiwork) and feet ( progress ) in the name of Jesus Christ 

Heavenly Father God , thou ancient of days your anointing breaks the yoke BREAK ALL YOKES , CHAINS, CORDS, IMPRISONMENTS curses of poverty placed over my finances in the mighty name of Jesus Christ . Amen 

By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I reject and disallow all forms of money magic , bewitchment of my finances and the such like abs I command it to be returned back to the originator may they be entrapped by their wickedness as your word says the wicked are ensured in their wickedness in the mighty name of Jesus Christ 

Surely there is no enchantment against Jacob no divination against Israel. Every enchantment against me , abs my financials abs blessings be spoiled and neutralized by the blood of Jesus Christ Amen 

It is written after you have finished your spoil the Lord God shall spoil you 

Thou ancient of Days, the everlasting God arise and spoil all the spoilers assigned to waste or spoil your goodness in my finances in the name of Jesus Christ Amen 

In the name of YESHUA HAMASIACH , every Altar of poverty or demon of infirmity and poverty in my life I pick up the axe of God and smash you to pieces be thou consumed by the fire of God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ 


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