Sunday, January 8, 2023

Deliverance from Serpents and Strange Occurrences

 Deliverance from Serpents and Strange Occurrences 

In the name of Jesus Christ . All serpents attached to me from birth be crushed and smashed to death violently by the divine hammer of God in the name of Jesus Christ

In the name of Jesus Christ all serpents attach to my breakthrough be destroyed by the fire of God in the name of Jesus Christ son of God

Every serpent or serpent spirits hibernating to monitor my time of my breakthrough or to attack or launch an evil attack against me be smashed to pieces and destroyed by the fire of God 

I command all the serpents to be located by the thunderbolt of God and smashed to pieces in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

Every satanic agenda, occultic agenda before during after my birth  birthed through the connection , link  with the serpent kingdom  be destroyed by the fire of God in the name of Jesus Christ son of God amen

In the name of Jesus Christ every Satanic agenda, occultism  agenda before during and after my birth placed upon my destiny or life be destroyed by the fire of God in the name of Jesus Christ amen

In the mighty name of Jesus Christ  Every nests of serpents  in my ancestry and my bloodline in my body planted by the enemy before , during ,after my birth   And their eggs after my birth be destroyed I command all those hatcheries to catch fire in the name of Jesus and be destroyed permanently by the fire of the living God in the name of Jesus I proclaim death Upon every existence of the serpent in my ancestry in the name of Jesus Christ the son of God, Amen 

In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I renounce every unGodly dedication to any Deity or animals or creatures of all the angles of my life around my life or in my life, I command they  be destroyed by the fire of God in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

Every subconscious , conscious , unconscious cobra or python spirit  manifesting in my life or ancestry and generation or personal life  poisoning my breakthrough or destroy my birthright  through spiritual and physical venoms  be destroyed by the power of God in the name of Jesus amen

Every power that is manufacturing repeated cycles of sin and problems in my life setbacks failures stagnation frustration depression oppression and the suchlike be destroyed by the fire of God in the name of Jesus Christ may your hold over my life be destroyed wherever you’re plugged into my life be unplugged by the power of God in Jesus name amen

Every limitation placed on my life using the power of the serpent be smashed to pieces and destroyed by the fire of God in the name of Jesus Christ amen

By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I break all spells hexes curses incantations ,  satanic degrees, occultic decrees  and the such like over me and my Destiny linking me with serpents  or any other demons or creatures be all broken by the blood of Jesus Christ and  I command they all be crushed to pieces and consumed by the  fire of God in Jesus name amen

Every serpent attached to me from birth be  destroyed by fire of God  in the name of Jesus ( say this over and over, it builds a spiritual momentum)

Serpent  demons or serpent principalities  powers assigned against me your time is up Die by the fire of the living God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ 

Every serpent spirit or serpent demons attached to me from birth or ancestry standing at any point in my life to destroy anything good in my life receive the Fiery FIRE OF GOD’S JUDGMENT and be consumed into ashes in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

Every serpent or serpents That’s has swallowed, is swallowing or about to swallow my destiny, future my breakthroughs, blessings 

, my promotions and all the things God has declared for me before during and after my birth, from the past and present , in the name of Jesus Christ I command the hot thunderbolts of God to strike you and I command you to vomit everything out by the power in the name of Jesus and return all you stole  from me in Jesus name amen.

By the power in the name of Jesus Christ and with the sword of the living God I separate myself from every covenant and sever with the Living Sword of God  every  conscious subconscious and unconscious link  or connection with the spirit of the serpent  be they ancestral generational , family bloodline  in the name of Jesus Christ amen

Father God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ by your power and with your foot tread all the serpents  in my life attacking my life, my future , my happiness , tread  them down in the name of Jesus Christ amen

I confess and repent of any and all sins I have committed that is permitting constant or persistent or random or sudden appearance of manifestation of the serpents  be they black serpents white serpents green serpents red sevens multicolored serpents  , yellow serpents or serpents of  any color in my dream vision 

In the name of Jesus Christ . Amen.

And I command they be destroyed in the name of Jesus Christ Amen .

Every serpent transferred  into my life be it physical or  spiritual that has resulted in the loss of anything good in my life I repent of all these things and ask Dear God you close all the doorways and destroy them all  in the name of Jesus Christ amen

Every serpent  activities   Or manifestations in my life be destroyed by the fire of God in the name of Jesus Christ .

In the name of Jesus Christ I command that anybody that is using any form of serpent power to send or activate serpents against me to attack me receive the fire of God’s Judgement the name of Jesus, Amen 

the Bible says suffer not a witch to live there for whoever is using any form of witchcraft or evil powers  powers to summon demons to attack me receive your judgment of God in the name of Jesus , Amen, Be entrapped with your wickedness in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

In the name of Jesus Christ I command all serpents  activated in my life to die by the fire of God in Jesus mighty name amen

 By  the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I receive complete dominion, power and victory to tread upon serpents and scorpions and over all the powers of the enemy in the name of Jesus Christ amen- Luke 10:19

 Any Power(s) using Serpents to seal anything in my life or any part of my body be destroyed by the fire of God in the name of Jesus Christ 

every serpent inside of me , my womb my vagina,  penis , stomach making a nest,  nesting ground in my vagina or penis or any part of my life I command the fire of God  to continuously, ferociously locate you and destroy your nests and destroy you ,I command the hammer of God smash you to pieces in Jesus mighty name 

I command the fire of God to roast  you to ashes in the name of Jesus Christ Amen 

Every Occultic seal , seals of darkness placed over my life using the power of the knowledge of hell and darkness symbolized as an owl  or python spirit or  leviathan spirit be destroyed by the fire of God , be destroyed by the fire of God in the name of Jesus Christ Amen .

Every Occultic  seal place up on my life using the powers of darkness BREAK !!!!!!!!!!! In the mighty name of JESUS CHRIST AMEN 

In the name of Jesus Christ I command the fire of God to destroy all secrets mysterious enemies of my destiny my purpose in the name of Jesus Christ amen

 In the name of Jesus Christ I command the fiery Hot thunderbolts of God to simultaneously locate all active and passive subconscious and unconscious or unconscious witchcraft or mysterious weapons or individuals that have been used by Satan for hundreds of years, or centuries so destroy my destiny I commend all of these weapons to be confiscated by the angels of God and destroyed simultaneously in the name of Jesus amen.

In the name of Jesus Christ I  dis-annul ALL friendship and any friendship with the serpent spirit in the name of Jesus Christ amen from now on you are my enemy and I crush you by the Power oh God in the name of Jesus Christ amen. 

What ever is inviting or attracting i serpents into my life or any demonic animals be destroyed by the fire in the name of Jesus Christ amen. I REPENT OF IT TOTALLY IN THE MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS CHRIST

Every and any and all holds past present or future place upon my life by the serpent sprits and through anyone  involved directly or indirectly BREAK RIGHT NOW the name of Jesus Christ Jesus Christ. AMEN

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