Tuesday, January 31, 2023

WARFARE PRAYERS AGAINST SATANIC, Demonic, Occultic Harassment Physically and spiritually

WARFARE PRAYERS AGAINST SATANIC, Demonic, Occultic Harassment Physically and Spiritually 



1. Heavenly father God, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I humbly come before you confessing all my faults , transgressions and iniquities before you that has or will permit permit or has permitted this attack in the name of Jesus Christ Amen 

2. Heavenly father, God by your power protect me hedge me, bless me deliver me from all these calamities  in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

3. Palm 61:2 Lord God Almighty lift me to the rock that is higher than all these attacks and assaults in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ, I claim spiritual and physical immunity against and from these attacks in all areas of my life, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

5. In the name of Jesus Christ may the imaginations of my attackers evil prosecutors fail in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen .

6. Dear God release me from the trap and snare and persecution in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

7. Lord God into your hands, I commit my soul, keep it, and don’t let these take my soul, in the name of Jesus Christ Amen 

8. In the name of Jesus Christ, I speak to the root of this harassment, and I command it to fail whither away and die in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

9. Lord God Almighty demolish and consume with your power and fire. All the periodical latent alars passive Altars , and active altars used to harass my life my soul, my finances, my family, and any and all areas of my life in the name of Jesus Christ.

10. Lord God  Almighty cover me in your sons blood the blood of Yeshua Hamashiach cover my mind and my thoughts in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

11. Lord God Almighty I claim your promise in Numbers  23:23 every form of occult, witchcraft sciences, rituals, sacrifices, evil, refreshments, evil, rituals, all the above, and the such like used against me to enforce or empower any form of demonic, harassment, beadle destroyed by the fire of god in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. 

12 in the name of Jesus Christ, all demons and daemonic assignments, witchcraft assignments, hellish assignments assignments, assigned to destroy me, or against me be consumed by the fire of God, in the name of Jesus Christ, . Amen.

13 the blood of Jesus Christ neutralize, all telepathy psychic practices, remote viewings, astral projection’s, and any other evil satanic practices used against me and their agents in the name of Jesus Christ. The blood of Jesus Christ paralyze you all in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

14 every psychic witchcraft psychic occult psychic mind control, psychic sorcery , or any other practices in combination or in individuality, used against me to harass me by demonic networks, as a form of demonic,  occultic harassment be thou destroyed by the fire of God in the name of Jesus, be thou destroy by the fire of God, in the name of Jesus Be thou, destroyed by the fire of God in the name of Jesus Amen 

25. Lord God Almighty Dismantle and destroy divinely and systematically in your infinite wisdom. All evil human and non-human  , fallen angel networks assigned against me to harass me or hound me including my household in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

26. By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ, I reclaim back all that was stolen from me through any form of demonic, harassment, be it  physically, spiritually emotionally or any other form, including my finances, my well, my inheritance, my children, my future, and all that God has appointed  for me in the name of Jesus Christ amen and I also cancel every evil exchanges Done against my destiny  the name of Jesus Christ Amen 

27. In the name of Jesus Christ, the son of God, Yeshua Hamashiach, I reclaim back my joy, my happiness, my finances, my inheritance, and all that has been lost because of this demonic Occultic satanic witchcraft secret society, harassment in the name of Jesus Christ amen 

28 heavenly father frustrate, all spiritual forces and physical forces, working against me to harass me in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

Proclamation , JOB 22:28

 Lord God Almighty, according to your word, I declare that you enact  by your secret invisible hand Swift death in Judgment upon  every witches wizards warlocks,  satanic priests,  satanic priestesses, daughters of Satan, sons of Satan, sons and daughters of Lucifer, witches of any color or code or scheme or ranking,  Members of Satanic lodges all satanic societies, or any secret societies or any other unknown, and and known   evils or individuals or organizations targeting  to me, or assigned  against my destiny in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen for your word says that you are angry with the wicked, and you will destroy the wicked and their wickedness so  trap and destroy these wicked and their wickedness. Dear God, in Jesus, mighty name, look up on me, heavenly father God, and show me your great mercies in Jesus name , amen 

29.Lord God  Almighty in the name of Jesus Christ, every lock, all cage or hold placed upon my destiny, be thou , destroyed and broken to  pieces in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

30 Lord God Almighty in the name of Jesus Christ, remove every stumbling block from my life in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

31. Father God, in the name of Jesus Christ I claim your promise in the book of JEREMIAH 33:3 that says call onto me and I will show you great and mighty things that you do not know 

so father God reveal every and anything I need to know to give me victory against over and in dominion, upon this demonic,  Occultic Satanic harassments and gang ups in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. 

32 Psalm 37:23 Lord God Almighty, in the name of Jesus Christ, order my steps in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Don’t let my enemies cross paths with me. Don’t let them cross in any paths with me in the name of Jesus Christ, except if you divinely, will or appoint  it in the name of Jesus Christ amen

33. Father God, your word, says in psalms 91 he that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty hide me in your secret place hide me your  secret pavilion from the insurrection of my enemies  and keep me away from their assaults in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. 

34. Lord God Almighty saturate my life constantly with your presence your present  presence your oil of favor , your fire, your power, your anointing, your angels, your cherubs seraphim’s , the Lord, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and all that is of you and don’t let me lose it in Jesus mighty name I pray Amen. 

By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ, I seal these prayers with the blood of Jesus Christ and I claim complete and full answers to prayers for my deliverance in Jesus mighty name. Amen.

  To give to support this Outreach : 

do so via : CASH App: $Targeted4JESUSCHRIST

                  PAYPAL: JOEL8915@hotmail.com


Prayer  Requests, follow up and. others, Outreach Link Click Here:Sword of the Spirit of God ((SwordofthespiritofGod.com)

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1. Heavenly Father in the mighty name of Jesus Christ i confess and repent of my personal involvement in any sins that has is or about to lengthen , strengthen or working to empower any evil oaths , covenants over my life  be they Ancestral , GENERATIONAL , Bloodline , through intermarriages  in the name of Jesus Christ Amen 

Cleanse my Lord Jesus Christ Amen

2. By the power in the blood of Jesus I break all cages , curses or hexes restricting me in the spirit through any form of evil oaths,  dedications , occult practices , and the such like in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen 

To give to support this Outreach : 

do so via : CASH App: $Targeted4JESUSCHRIST

                  PAYPAL: JOEL8915@hotmail.com


Prayer  Requests, follow up and. others, Outreach Link Click Here:Sword of the Spirit of God ((SwordofthespiritofGod.com)

BITCHUTE Message Vault : https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ce3GcnH0HE7s/


Joelisaiah - YouTube 
TikTok : Joelisaiah2020
Facebook : www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100079535332721

Prayers to recover your Children




1.Father God I confess and repent of my and all sins thy were committed in my parental failure be it spiritually or physically in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen . 

2. Dear God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I close all spiritual doors I or my children have opened for satan and demons to enter , gate-crash into my life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ 

 3. By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I vtekaball active ,latent and Passive curses bondages, spells, hexes ,incantations roots,potions,voodoo, love spells, Santeria, black magic and the such like over my Child or children ( mention their names and pray the prayers for  each of them if you have multiple children ) 

4. By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I claim spiritual authority as divinely appointed by God over all my children and child to the glory of God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen 

(Mention their names 

5. Lord God almighty set a watch over my child and children in the name of Jesus Christ that they might not be destroyed in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen 

6. Lord God assign a reporting angel to give me reports about my child and their activities on the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen 

7. In the name of Jesus Christ the son of the living God mi speak the word of God over my child (mention their names fully ) and I command the fire of God to to surround my child for the Lord God Almighty whose dwelling is between the CHERUBIMS is a consuming fire , 

8, I command in the name of Jesus Christ the fire of God to isolate and remove all negative influences in around over and underneath my child or children ( mention their name(s) in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen 

9. BY THE POWER IN THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST I COUNTERPETITION You satan, you cannot have use or destroy my child through any form of anger, bitterness, rage, unforgivness, drugs, addiction

Mention them (1) Porn (2) Lust (3)immortality (4)homosexuality (5) bisexuality (6) witchcraft (7)Occult 

10. Heavenly Father lay your mighty heavy hand over my child in the mighty name of Jesu Christ . Amen

11. In the name of Jesus Christ I bind all demons thy have or about to possess my child or children and command them you to leave and never return in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen 

( say this repeatedly especially when negative behaviors manifest )

12. Lord God Almighty as Job prayed for his children in his absence concerning their sins , so I also on behalf of my child or children I pray for you for their their disobedience all their secret sins and I rosy through the working of your Holy spirit you convict them in the name of Jesus Christ Amen 

13. In the name of Jesus Christ , every covenant made by me or anyone , by my unsaved spouse of the posits sex or anyone in my immediate or extended family or down or up my generational ladder or tree of my self or my spouse of the opposite sex concerning my child or children , BREAK !  BREAK !!  BREAK !!!! By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ . In the name of Jesus  Christ Amen 

 To give to support this Outreach : 

do so via : CASH App: $Targeted4JESUSCHRIST

                  PAYPAL: JOEL8915@hotmail.com


Prayer  Requests, follow up and. others, Outreach Link Click Here:Sword of the Spirit of God ((SwordofthespiritofGod.com)

BITCHUTE Message Vault : https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ce3GcnH0HE7s/


Joelisaiah - YouTube 
TikTok : Joelisaiah2020
Facebook : www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100079535332721

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Deliverance from Serpents and Strange Occurrences

 Deliverance from Serpents and Strange Occurrences 

In the name of Jesus Christ . All serpents attached to me from birth be crushed and smashed to death violently by the divine hammer of God in the name of Jesus Christ

In the name of Jesus Christ all serpents attach to my breakthrough be destroyed by the fire of God in the name of Jesus Christ son of God

Every serpent or serpent spirits hibernating to monitor my time of my breakthrough or to attack or launch an evil attack against me be smashed to pieces and destroyed by the fire of God 

I command all the serpents to be located by the thunderbolt of God and smashed to pieces in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

Every satanic agenda, occultic agenda before during after my birth  birthed through the connection , link  with the serpent kingdom  be destroyed by the fire of God in the name of Jesus Christ son of God amen

In the name of Jesus Christ every Satanic agenda, occultism  agenda before during and after my birth placed upon my destiny or life be destroyed by the fire of God in the name of Jesus Christ amen

In the mighty name of Jesus Christ  Every nests of serpents  in my ancestry and my bloodline in my body planted by the enemy before , during ,after my birth   And their eggs after my birth be destroyed I command all those hatcheries to catch fire in the name of Jesus and be destroyed permanently by the fire of the living God in the name of Jesus I proclaim death Upon every existence of the serpent in my ancestry in the name of Jesus Christ the son of God, Amen 

In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I renounce every unGodly dedication to any Deity or animals or creatures of all the angles of my life around my life or in my life, I command they  be destroyed by the fire of God in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

Every subconscious , conscious , unconscious cobra or python spirit  manifesting in my life or ancestry and generation or personal life  poisoning my breakthrough or destroy my birthright  through spiritual and physical venoms  be destroyed by the power of God in the name of Jesus amen

Every power that is manufacturing repeated cycles of sin and problems in my life setbacks failures stagnation frustration depression oppression and the suchlike be destroyed by the fire of God in the name of Jesus Christ may your hold over my life be destroyed wherever you’re plugged into my life be unplugged by the power of God in Jesus name amen

Every limitation placed on my life using the power of the serpent be smashed to pieces and destroyed by the fire of God in the name of Jesus Christ amen

By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I break all spells hexes curses incantations ,  satanic degrees, occultic decrees  and the such like over me and my Destiny linking me with serpents  or any other demons or creatures be all broken by the blood of Jesus Christ and  I command they all be crushed to pieces and consumed by the  fire of God in Jesus name amen

Every serpent attached to me from birth be  destroyed by fire of God  in the name of Jesus ( say this over and over, it builds a spiritual momentum)

Serpent  demons or serpent principalities  powers assigned against me your time is up Die by the fire of the living God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ 

Every serpent spirit or serpent demons attached to me from birth or ancestry standing at any point in my life to destroy anything good in my life receive the Fiery FIRE OF GOD’S JUDGMENT and be consumed into ashes in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

Every serpent or serpents That’s has swallowed, is swallowing or about to swallow my destiny, future my breakthroughs, blessings 

, my promotions and all the things God has declared for me before during and after my birth, from the past and present , in the name of Jesus Christ I command the hot thunderbolts of God to strike you and I command you to vomit everything out by the power in the name of Jesus and return all you stole  from me in Jesus name amen.

By the power in the name of Jesus Christ and with the sword of the living God I separate myself from every covenant and sever with the Living Sword of God  every  conscious subconscious and unconscious link  or connection with the spirit of the serpent  be they ancestral generational , family bloodline  in the name of Jesus Christ amen

Father God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ by your power and with your foot tread all the serpents  in my life attacking my life, my future , my happiness , tread  them down in the name of Jesus Christ amen

I confess and repent of any and all sins I have committed that is permitting constant or persistent or random or sudden appearance of manifestation of the serpents  be they black serpents white serpents green serpents red sevens multicolored serpents  , yellow serpents or serpents of  any color in my dream vision 

In the name of Jesus Christ . Amen.

And I command they be destroyed in the name of Jesus Christ Amen .

Every serpent transferred  into my life be it physical or  spiritual that has resulted in the loss of anything good in my life I repent of all these things and ask Dear God you close all the doorways and destroy them all  in the name of Jesus Christ amen

Every serpent  activities   Or manifestations in my life be destroyed by the fire of God in the name of Jesus Christ .

In the name of Jesus Christ I command that anybody that is using any form of serpent power to send or activate serpents against me to attack me receive the fire of God’s Judgement the name of Jesus, Amen 

the Bible says suffer not a witch to live there for whoever is using any form of witchcraft or evil powers  powers to summon demons to attack me receive your judgment of God in the name of Jesus , Amen, Be entrapped with your wickedness in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

In the name of Jesus Christ I command all serpents  activated in my life to die by the fire of God in Jesus mighty name amen

 By  the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I receive complete dominion, power and victory to tread upon serpents and scorpions and over all the powers of the enemy in the name of Jesus Christ amen- Luke 10:19

 Any Power(s) using Serpents to seal anything in my life or any part of my body be destroyed by the fire of God in the name of Jesus Christ 

every serpent inside of me , my womb my vagina,  penis , stomach making a nest,  nesting ground in my vagina or penis or any part of my life I command the fire of God  to continuously, ferociously locate you and destroy your nests and destroy you ,I command the hammer of God smash you to pieces in Jesus mighty name 

I command the fire of God to roast  you to ashes in the name of Jesus Christ Amen 

Every Occultic seal , seals of darkness placed over my life using the power of the knowledge of hell and darkness symbolized as an owl  or python spirit or  leviathan spirit be destroyed by the fire of God , be destroyed by the fire of God in the name of Jesus Christ Amen .

Every Occultic  seal place up on my life using the powers of darkness BREAK !!!!!!!!!!! In the mighty name of JESUS CHRIST AMEN 

In the name of Jesus Christ I command the fire of God to destroy all secrets mysterious enemies of my destiny my purpose in the name of Jesus Christ amen

 In the name of Jesus Christ I command the fiery Hot thunderbolts of God to simultaneously locate all active and passive subconscious and unconscious or unconscious witchcraft or mysterious weapons or individuals that have been used by Satan for hundreds of years, or centuries so destroy my destiny I commend all of these weapons to be confiscated by the angels of God and destroyed simultaneously in the name of Jesus amen.

In the name of Jesus Christ I  dis-annul ALL friendship and any friendship with the serpent spirit in the name of Jesus Christ amen from now on you are my enemy and I crush you by the Power oh God in the name of Jesus Christ amen. 

What ever is inviting or attracting i serpents into my life or any demonic animals be destroyed by the fire in the name of Jesus Christ amen. I REPENT OF IT TOTALLY IN THE MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS CHRIST

Every and any and all holds past present or future place upon my life by the serpent sprits and through anyone  involved directly or indirectly BREAK RIGHT NOW the name of Jesus Christ Jesus Christ. AMEN

To give to support this Outreach : 

do so via : CASH App: $Targeted4JESUSCHRIST

                  PAYPAL: JOEL8915@hotmail.com


Prayer  Requests, follow up and. others, Outreach Link Click Here:Sword of the Spirit of God (SwordofthespiritofGod.com)

BITCHUTE Message Vault : https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ce3GcnH0HE7s/


Joelisaiah - YouTube 
TikTok : Joelisaiah2020
Facebook : www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100079535332721

Deliverance Prayers against narcissistic people

 Deliverance Prayers against narcissistic people 

Dear God I humbly come before you and I confess and repent of any and all sins that has put me in place or in bondage with the narcissistic spirit or the individual possessed with a narcissistic spirit on the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen 

Dear God I rebuke the spirit of pride and rebellion and stubbornness ties to witchcraft that is being projected towards me in the mighty name of Jesus Christ 

By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I break every yoke and bondage of witchcraft directed at me through narcissistic behavior form this individual ( mention name) in name of Jesus Christ 

Dear God I ask you sever between soul and purity every soul tie I have with this individual and the narcissistic spirit they are possessed with in the name of Jesus Christ Amen 

To Be Continued:

To give to support this Outreach : 

do so via : CASH App: $Targeted4JESUSCHRIST

                  PAYPAL: JOEL8915@hotmail.com


Prayer  Requests, follow up and. others, Outreach Link Click Here:Sword of the Spirit of God ((SwordofthespiritofGod.com)

BITCHUTE Message Vault : https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ce3GcnH0HE7s/


Joelisaiah - YouTube 
TikTok : Joelisaiah2020
Facebook : www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100079535332721

Prayers against dream pollution

 Prayers against dream pollution 

1.Father God I consecrate my dreams to you and I ask that you SATURATE my dreams with the blood of Jesus Christ and purge out all dream contamination dream pollution and dream poisoning in the name of Jesus Christ amen

2.By the power in the BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST. I nullify every evil DECREE  directed against me through dream pollution, dream contamination or dream invasion in Jesus name,Amen.

 3.The blood of Jesus Christ is against you Satan get out of my dreams in Jesus name, the blood of Jesus Christ is against you , GET OUT  of my dreams you and your  DEMONS of LUST IMMORALITY FORNICATION,  ADULTERY, witchcraft and the such like in the name of Jesus Christ. AMEN.

4.I command  every Evil Altars in my dreams be  completely Destroyed Permanently  in the name  of Jesus Christ AMEN

5.Dear GOD ,Lift me up,Elevate me to  the realm of your glory in the spiritual realm so the enemy cannot invade my dreams , visions , trances in the name of Jesus Christ amen

6.Heavenly Father God in the mighty name of JESUS CHRIST, YESHUA HAMASHIACH, I  invite you into my realm of existence by protect inhabit and be sovereign in my dreams in the spiritual realm and my visions in Jesus name, AMEN

In the name of Jesus Christ , FATHER GOD  I ask that you build a wall of fire ROUND about my dreams and visions I SECURE  my dream with the blood of Jesus Christ, the Word of God and the fire of  God in the name of Jesus Christ send your warrior angels your battle Angels, Security Angels to guide me in my dreams in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen,

Holy Spirit take control of my dreamworld and my vision world so the enemy cannot manipulate oppress, suppress or depress me in my dreams or plant any evil seeds in my dreams in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.

Father God your word says  whatever you have not planted  Shall be ROOTED UP and DESTROYED , therefore I ask   that you send  your angels to locate all hidden passive and active evil seeds evil plantations evil rituals evil burials in my dreams and visions and in the spiritual realm uproot everyone of them and toss them into the consuming fire bowl of Your judgment in hell in Jesus Christ's name, Amen.

Every power of the kingdom of darkness ,Marine powers , Powers in the air tormenting me polluting me invading my dreams CATCH  FIRE be destroyed by the fire of the Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.

In the name of Jesus Christ I command and  decree that every weapon of the enemy directed against me in my dreams shall backfire in the name of Jesus shall backfire and fail in the name of Jesus amen.

Heavenly father make it impossible for the enemy to  use my dreams or visions against me in the name of Jesus Christ amen. Amen

In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I  recover all of my virtues my blessings and dreams which the enemy has stolen from me or contaminated, or locked up I recover it all with the blood of Jesus Christ , In the name of Jesus Christ, I break the locks, I take back what the enemy has stolen, and in the name of Jesus Christ I bind up the strong man or strong women and cast them  into the pits of hell in the name of Jesus, In the name of Jesus Christ

 recover back all that has been stolen for me my dreams in Jesus name Amen.

By the power  in the blood of Jesus Christ I recover back all the blessings virtues glories promises prophecies and anything good  shown to me, directed, spoken or given to me  in my dreams of which I have lost because of the attack of the enemy through  witchcraft attack, occultic ,  marine attack  or any other types of attacks, I recover all in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.

Heavenly Father COmmand and   Position you angels that do not take nonsense to arrest violently and viciously all dream robbers dream manipulators dream polluters  in my dreams and hand them off for judgment in the name of Jesus Christ amen

My dream world and vision World linked to my spiritual realm of existence  be surrounded and sealed with the blood of Jesus the word of God and the fire  of God in Jesus name Amen.

Dear God, Empower my spirit man which is my soul with the  whole armor of God clothe it with the whole armor of God  to destroy the works of the enemy in my dreams in my visions and waking life in Jesus name amen 

it is written No weapon formed against me shall prosper and every Tongue that riseth against me in Judgment shall be condemned, therefore in the name of Jesus Christ I command the weapons  of the enemy directed to attack me in my dreams and visions be destroyed by the Hot fiery Thunderbolts of God,  be destroyed by the east window and smashed to pieces by  the super giant hammer of GOD in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

In the name of Jesus Christ, every demonic animals in my dreams hear the word of God, my body  is the Temple of GOD, whomsoever defiles it shall be destroyed, there  I command the fire of God's Judgment to destroy  every defilement you are bringing, have  brought or about to bring into my life through dream , vision contamination I receive the blood of Jesus Christ I command and decree  all of  it to be roasted to ashes by the fire of God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Amen 

Prophetic Note: Your dreams and visions  are  messages from the Lord GOD ALMIGHTY,  the channels  by which dreams and visions are directed to you is the pathway through which God speaks , your spirit is like a treasure house to receive from God the messages and words that he intends to give you so be very careful  of the treasure House of your heart and your mind for out of those treasures flow  either goodness until the Lord , if you fill it with  the word of God or evil if you’re surrounded or mocked by evil , or fill it will evil from the spiritual junk on social media, T.V and the such like.

God Keeps Those who keep themselves

God bless you

To give to support this Outreach : 

do so via : CASH App: $Targeted4JESUSCHRIST

                  PAYPAL: JOEL8915@hotmail.com


Prayer  Requests, follow up and. others, Outreach Link Click Here:Sword of the Spirit of God ((SwordofthespiritofGod.com)

BITCHUTE Message Vault : https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ce3GcnH0HE7s/


Joelisaiah - YouTube 
TikTok : Joelisaiah2020
Facebook : www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100079535332721

Prayers to destroy evil rituals evil refreshments on evil alters

 Prayers to destroy evil rituals evil refreshments on evil alters

Father God I come before you right now and I confess and repent of any sins that  may prevent my prayers for being answered by you in the name of Jesus Christ cleanse me with your blood and wash me and make me whole in the name of Jesus Christ amen

By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I break every ungodly soul tie. tying me to anybody that is using has used or is about to use or initiate any form of demonic satanic rituals or ritual practices whether  by proxy or directly in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I nullify every evil decree every evil request every evil witch, or any individual know or unknown  that is tied to any and all rituals done by anybody against me my destiny my progress my ministry or any or everything that concerns me in the name of Jesus Christ amen

By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ father God I ask that you uproot any evil plantations ritual objects of  and all of my Hair, clothing ,picture ,name, voice print  including anything that can be traced back to me or my image or form I ask father  God in the name of Jesus Christ that you uproot it from wherever it has been planted or is being used to attack  or oppress me, don't let it  harm me in anyway in the name of Jesus Christ amen

In the Name of Jesus Christ, I  command the earth rejects and expel and vomit anything planted into it by anybody as a form of ritual to affect me in any form or way in the name of Jesus Christ, for the earth is the lords and the fullness thereof,

 in the name of Jesus whatever it is that has been used through the earth as a form of ritual to harm me I command it  to lose its power in the name of Jesus Christ amen

In the name of Jesus Christ I command and I decree that every demon attached to any ritual, satanic ritual evil refreshments,  animal rituals ,animal sacrifices ,blood sacrifices ,child sacrifices , human sacrifice, or any form of ritual sacrifice I command all the demons attached to them or empowering such against me hear the word of God touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm therefore in  the name of Jesus Christ I bind  you all up and cast you to the pit of hell in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I bind all the demons that have been sent to enforce any and every form of satanic ritual blood sacrifice and the suchlike against me and cast them to the pit of hell in the name of Jesus Christ

Every curse released or declared over me wished over me spoken over me I commend those curses be broken now in the name of Jesus Christ I am free from all curses every curse sent my way from this moment on will fail shall fail and fall l to the ground before the sender to put put them to shame in the name of Jesus may the hand of the Lord God  effect this  in the name of Jesus amen

Every stubborn pursuer and attacker  attacking me and my destiny for any purpose with any form of ritual sacrifices and such like father God I pray that you frustrate their  tokens I pray that everywhere they go to you send a blocking angel to block each them and each and every action or motion they take, block them wherever they go to ,

Dear God  give them no peace no rest, bring them to repentance and if they  don’t repent Lord God ,  then ldo as you please with their soul in Jesus mighty name amen.

Evil refreshments on evil alters I command you to wither away and die in the name of  Jesus Christ , I command the fire of the living God that burns beyond 1,000,000,000,000°( billion degrees) to  locate all evil rituals, evil refreshments ,  witchcraft, obeah, voodoo ,hoodoo ,Santeria ,black magic ,white magic ,Green magic ,divination objects ,crystals and the such like that are being used or buried against me I command the FIRE OF GOD to destroy all of them 

in the name of  Jesus Christ I command the fire of GOD to dismantle all of them in the name of Jesus Christ I reclaim back whatever belongs to me right now in the name of Jesus Christ amen

 Holy Spirit of the living God in the name of Jesus bring  to nothingness, backdate to nothingness every altar that has been raised against me to perform periodic rituals, psych cyclical rituals ,rituals of any form or manner and  render it completely powerless and useless in Jesus mighty name amen

 In the name of Jesus Christ I ask father God that you proclaim your voice of judgment against every human agent against every jealous, envious individual that is persistently and consistently coming up against me with satanic demonic rituals I asked that you judge them and remove them take away their strength Lord take away their focus from me in the name of Jesus make them weak and weary and tired Dear God  and make them give up on the evil in the name of Jesus let the weight of their evil fall upon them Lord God in the name of Jesus let the weight of their wickedness fall upon them in the name of Jesus thank you God, in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ Amen 

It is written at the name of Jesus Christ every knee shall bow every satanic minister ,satanic priest satanic priestess and the suchlike that have been hired called upon spoken to concerning me Lord GOD send your mighty super giant angels to appear before them and make them bow down forcefully and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the father make them give up and surrender totally in the name of Jesus the son of God amen

The blood of Jesus Christ answers for me the blood of Jesus Christ covers me the blood of Jesus Christ shields me the blood of Jesus Christ is my atonement may the blood of Jesus atone for any transgressions and sins or iniquities of the suchlike that I have committed that is enabling and permitted any form of satanic , occultic, or  witchcraft rituals against me in the mighty name of Jesus Christ amen

In the name of Jesus I command  the  east wind of God to quench all candles witchcraft candles voodoo candles Santeria candles black magic candles all candles and objects in a flame form being used against me fshut them out put them out and render it and powerless and useless in the name of Jesus Christ amen

Every occultic ,demonic satanic dedication rituals initiation rituals initiated against me to interfere, harm ,limit or destroy my progress in life may the thunderbolts of God locate all of them and destroy them and the involved parties in the name of Jesus Christ AMEM.

To give to support this Outreach : 

do so via : CASH App: $Targeted4JESUSCHRIST

                  PAYPAL: JOEL8915@hotmail.com


Prayer  Requests, follow up and. others, Outreach Link Click Here:Sword of the Spirit of God (SwordofthespiritofGod.com)

BITCHUTE Message Vault : https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ce3GcnH0HE7s/


Joelisaiah - YouTube 
TikTok : Joelisaiah2020
Facebook : www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100079535332721

Deliverance prayers against wind sorcery

 Deliverance prayers against wind sorcery 

By the power of the blood of Jesus Christ every assault of darkness against my destiny through wind sorcery be destroyed by the fire of God in the name of Jesus Christ amen

Every captivity placed over my life through wind sorcery be destroyed by the fire of God in the name of Jesus

Father God in the name of Jesus Christ dethrone all principality  and power in any form of wind sorcery targeting my destiny in the name of Jesus Christ

Every power of the narcissist that has been channeled through Wind sorcery be destroyed by the fire of God in the name of Jesus

IN the name of Jesus , every Occultic , marine technology projected through wind sorcery that is used to monitor me day in and day out , hourly ,minute wise ,second wise , and moment wise be destroyed by the fire of God in the name of Jesus Christ

By The power in the blood of Jesus Christ I recover back all that I have lost in my life past present and my future through when wind sorcery or any form of sorcery in the name of Jesus Christ

In the name of Jesus every altar every object  every knowledge anything used to link to wind sorcery to attack me receive the fire of God’s judgment and be destroyed in the name of Jesus Christ receive the fire be destroyed permanently in the name of Jesus Christ amen

 In the  name of Jesus Christ every power projected through Wind sorcery  be destroyed by the fire of God in the name of Jesus Christ

All agents of wind sorcery sssigned against me or signed against my Destiny , my future , my lineage or my family be destroyed by the fire of God in the name of Jesus , receiv the fire of God’s Judgment in the name of Jesus Christ be paralyzed by the blood of Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen 

Every Damage done to my life through wind sorcery be repaired by the blood of Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus Christ the Son of God, Amen 

Every attack of Wind-sorcery  against my life I command it  to fail in the name of Jesus , Heavenly Father send your warrior angels to  shut down every wind sorcery through the  wind and the manipulation of the wind  directed at me in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen 

All powers manipulating the air , sea , earth or fire elements and the luminaries against me be destroyed by the fire of God in the name of Jesus Christ amen

Every Powers , creatures or demons or entities of these from hell summoned against against me be destroyed and stopped by the power of the blood of Jesus Christ be paralyzed by the blood of Jesus Christ , be rendered obsolete in the name of Jesus Christ amen

The blood of Jesus Christ Christ cleanse me from all damaged done to my life destiny, purpose or existence through wind sorcery in the name of Jesus Christ

Every hold  wind sorcery and any sorcerer has over my life be broken now in the name of Jesus Christ . Amen 

Evil knowledge or wisdom that exists that has been used against me be totally rendered foolish and dumb and daft and be destroyed by the fire of God in Jesus name amen

Any human agents using wind sorcery to limit me for any purpose receive the judgment of God in Jesus name amen 

Heavenly father deliver me from all yoke , stroke or bondage thats happened to me in the name of Jesus Christ amen

All powers of the serpent binding my legs break in a name of Jesus Christ. Amen 

All powers of the serpent biting my hands break in the name of Jesus Christ amen

In the name of Jesus Christ all powers of the serpents  wrapped around me ,wrapped around my arms , wrapped around my waist , wrapped around  my body , or attached to any part of my body slithering over my body be destroyed by the fire of God in the name of Jesus Christ amen

Every hatchery or eggs or something inside of me inside of my reproductive tract digestive tract and my eyes inside my chest , inside my liver ,  my spleen , my anus or any part of my body my buttocks I commands right now the  power of God to flush all of them out and destroy them with the fire of God in the name of Jesus Christ amen

Father God send your Holy Spirit to place a hook and hook out all this serpents out of  my body soul and spirit in Jesus name amen

To give to support this Outreach : 

do so via : CASH App: $Targeted4JESUSCHRIST

                  PAYPAL: JOEL8915@hotmail.com


Prayer  Requests, follow up and. others, Outreach Link Click Here:Sword of the Spirit of God ((SwordofthespiritofGod.com)

BITCHUTE Message Vault : https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ce3GcnH0HE7s/


Joelisaiah - YouTube 
TikTok : Joelisaiah2020
Facebook : www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100079535332721