Sunday, August 21, 2022

Prayers to Recover Stolen Inheritance or Destiny

“But if he be found, he shall restore sevenfold; He shall give all the substance of his house.”

‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭6:31‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Some of you have Mystery Wealth in the possessions of select individuals who have been cheating you and your generations past present and future of what is divinely yours

Smoke of you are battling to claim your inheritance passed down the lineage and possessed or manipulative family members relatives friends are standing in the way as an accessory, or intermediary , to prevent you . 

Your best weapon is to fast and pray 

It’s recommended you wake up every night  after midnight as led by the Holy Spirit to pray this prayer something about prayer is that persistency pays off

The more persistent and consistent you are the more you will obtain greater breakthroughs 

Fasting every day from 6am-6pm can and will enhance the Power of God 

1. Heavenly Father God I call into you reveal the mystery and deep secret concerning my inheritance or birthright that was stolen from me in the mighty name of Jesus Christ 

2. In the name of Jesus Christ Every Power holding me in suspense physically and spiritually release your hold from me in the name of Jesus Christ Amen 

3. In the name of Jesus Christ Every Occultic Mystery that has sealed my inheritance or destiny be revealed exposed and destroyed by the fire of God in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ Amen 

4. in the name of Jesus Christ Every Covenant Secret or Open made that is benefiting  off of my divine inheritance destiny at my expense in the hands of a secret evil benefactor . BREAK by the Power in the blood of Jesus Christ . Amen 

5. In the name of Jesus Christ Every Altar maintaining , sustaining preserving and blinding me from knowing , accessing my inheritance or birthright I command the fiery axe and hammer of God to SMASH you to pieces , FIRE OF THE LIVING GOD consume you to ashes in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen 

6. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I command the terror of God to trace locate the and all secret diaries , libraries, ledgers containing secret knowledge about my DESTINY, INHERITANCE and destroy all locks seals, passwords, cyphers, scrips, scripts or whatever is in place preventing me from accessing and possessing what is mine in the name of Jesus Christ 

7. By the power in the Blood of Jesus Christ I erase every evil sealing or coating that has covered my true identity in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen 

8. Heavenly Father God revealer of secrets reveal all secrets , reveal all secrets about my name , my peoples , my genealogy, who I am, and who I am not . Reveal to me my Real Name , and Lineage and people in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen 

9.In the name of Jesus Christ , Every Robbers of my people that have robbed me of my divine ancestry , generational blessings your robbery is hereby terminated in the name of  Jesus Christ 

 In the name of Jesus Christ I demand and command by the decree of the most high God in heaven that you repay  ALL, NOT HALF, NOT SOME BUT ALL you and your entire lineage past present and future have stolen from me in the mighty name of Jesus Christ . Amen 

10. By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ , I reclaim back all my lost brief stolen benefits and blessings  in the mighty name of Jesus Christ 

11. In the name of Jesus Christ . Every Demon or Principality summoned up against me to hide obscure my true identity or destiny be honked by the angelic hooks of God’s Judgement , be bound hand and foot and cast into the pit of hell in the name of Jesus Christ 

To be Continued 

Pray in faith and God will answer your prayers 

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