Sunday, May 22, 2022

Prayers against Gangstalking , Energy Drainers, Anointing Drainers, Destiny Perverters , Satanic Workers sent to drain you Part 1 . Part 2 is coming soon.

 Prayers against Gangstalking , Energy Drainers, Anointing Drainers, Destiny Perverters , Satanic Workers sent to drain you Part 1 . Part 2 is coming soon. 

 1) Heavenly father God I call into you for  protection through the blood ,  blood of Jesus Christ and I ask that you shield and protect me as I pray these prayers and bless the author of this prayer link in the name of Jesus Christ amen

  1. Heavenly father you word says if I ask anything  in your name according to your will it shall be done I ask right now father that you forgive me for any sins have committed directly and indirectly knowingly and unknowingly consciously subconsciously or unconsciously and cleanse me with your blood in the name of Jesus Christ amen

  1. Heavenly father God in the name of Jesus Christ I confess every  and all sins transgressions and any iniquities  and secret sins easily besetting sins and anything that my enemies can use , will use , or are about to use or actively using to harm me with any evil powers of sorcery divination ,obeah, voodoo, Santeria, magic black magic , white magic and any other mysterious occultic practices or powers or knowledge or incantation shield me from all of it Lord in Jesus name amen. And forgive me of all such sins and  remove all such legal grounds in the mighty name of Jesus Christ .Amen 

  1. Heavenly father God you word says no weapon formed against me shall prosper and every tongue that rises against me in judgment  shall be condemned father God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ , I decree every weapon any of my Gangstalkers , network of Gangstalkers linked to any secret societies or networks of darkness that none of the weapons will succeed or get to me in the name of Jesus I ask that you protect me actively and passively while I’m awake while I’m asleep when I am conscious , subconscious and unconscious in my sleep and  from all their devices in the name of Jesus Christ amen

  1. By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I claim full immunity against all attacks and assaults  spiritual and physical from Gangstalkers satanic workers and the such like in the name of Jesus Christ amen

  1. By the power of the blood of Jesus Christ I claim full immunity through in an over my life through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ over my finances my home my handiwork my footsteps and my spiritual and physical life that God has given me in Jesus name amen

  1. Father God I asked that you send innumerable company of your angels as recorded in the book of Hebrews chapter 12 : 22 to surround me and protect me and block all pathways and access ways that these gangs stalkers and satanists or cultist , occultism or devil workers, witchcraft workers , marine workers and any work of Satan can use or try to use to get into my life , confuse and confound them and let the brightness of your angels through your glory blindfold them all PERMANENTLY Pin Jesus name amen

  1. By the power of the blood of Jesus Christ I break every single spell incantation  sorcery divination,  enchantment evil invocations summons use of pentagrams hexgrams of vexagrams, ouiji   boards and any other evil practices directed against me I command all of it to fail in the name of Jesus Christ , in the name of Jesus Christ the son of God , I bind up the demons link associated with such evil practices in Jesus name and command them to be bound and cast into the pits of hell never to trouble me again in the name of Jesus Christ amen. 

  1. In the name of Yeshua Hamasiach- Jesus Christ the Messiah , I command the supreme barricading force of God to barricade my life spiritually and physically so it cannot be penetrated or breached in the mighty name of YESHUA HAMASIACH- Jesus Christ the Messiah 

  1. Heavenly father God through the power in the name of Jesus Christ I ask that you command your angels to prevent and deny all demonic satanic, occultic assaults directed against the anointing and glory you have ordained or placed in my life of which of these vampire agents of  darkness will try to suck or take away or have attempted to or have taken from me in Jesus name amen. I reclaim all the tool from me back in the name of Jesus Christ and claim a defense against their evils in the name of Jesus Christ . Amen 

  1. By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I erase all evil marks spiritual and physical marks placed upon me by workers of iniquity through the practice of gangstalking, demonic targeting and harassment and the such like in the name of Jesus Christ Amen . 

  1. The word of God says in the book of Job 22: 28 decree a thing and it shall be established and the light of it shall be on thy way ,  therefore I decree from this very moment that every attack and assault be it or spiritual and physical directed against me by Gangstalkers by secret societies lodge members , Sorcerers those who practice Egyptian occult or mythology , or anything or anyone linked with the powers of darkness and or the 13 satanic blood lines that run  this world , I degree that all the vices and schemes begin to fail shall fail and MUST Fail,  past present and future in the name of Jesus Christ amen

  1. There is power of life abs death in my tongue as revealed in the word of God , therefore God my enemies are speaking death to my existence and blessings but I speak life over my life and existence and blessings let the power of your life supersede their evil decrees in the mighty name of Jesus Christ . Amen 

  1. I plead the blood of Jesus against the knowledge of the serpent which is the psychic knowledge used by Gangstalkers to monitor, harass me in the name of Jesus and I command their evil knowledge  be destroyed permanently in the name of Jesus CHRIST, I command the knowledge of the word of God to be actively active in my life both actively and passively to destroy and dismantle every every psychic knowledge wisdom or psychic visionaries used against me by Gangstalkers and all the workers of iniquity of the rulers of darkness of this world or any other powers of darkness related or connected to Satan and his 13 satanic or entire bloodlines in the name of Jesus Christ amen

  1. By and through the blood of Jesus Christ I claim divine protection for my glorious and   virtues and and the anointing and energy that God has bestowed upon me before during and after my birth  which is meant to  make me successful and  of witch my enemies Have stolen or trying to steal from me  or that has been contaminated polluted or blocked I RECLAIM  ALL of it BACK and I retrieve it all from  their hands and  command in the name of Jesus Christ it be restored back to me and sealed with a blood of Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus amen

  1. Heavenly father God I asked that you command your warrior angels to perpetually protect me from every and any assault attack of gangstakers and those involved in gangstalking in the name of Jesus Christ amen

  1. In the name of Jesus Christ I commend my glories given to me by God that has been stolen hooked or hijacked by Gangstalkers and the demons behind gangstalking I command all of it be restored back to me wherever has been buried locked away or being used for the purpose or benefit of anyone else in the name of Jesus Christ amen

  1. By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I cancel and revoke all  evil decree all forms of destiny perversion Glory perversion virtue perversion anointing perversion that has been done over me actively,passively  or presently that is resulting in negativity in my life such as loss of finances , jobs loss of happiness , will to thrive or live , stagnation , blockages and the such like in the name of Jesus Christ , I command all these evils to be stopped and destroyed by the power in the blood of Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus Christ amen

  1. By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I nullify every form of destiny perversion anointing perversion and the such like that is resulting in drainage in my life and negativity in my life and which is also resulting in the evil benefit where by the individual or individuals behind the gangstalking can or are benefiting from my progress and and my prosperity with my own virtues , anointing and glorious through demonic programming or destiny perversion or reversal,  I reject and cancel all such with the blood of Jesus and I claim all of it back in the name of Jesus Christ and the all the evil decrees cycle blood covenants , rituals , altars , child sacrifices , animal sacrifices or rituals or any form or kind of ritual  be nullified , destroyed and consumed by the fire of God in the name of Jesus In the name of Jesus Christ I also decree all the demons associated with  or anyone one forcing this evil forms of gang stalking or evil powers or practices be bound and cast out to the pits of hell never to maintain or , follow or attack me in any form of manner in Jesus name AMEN 

  1. In the name of Jesus Christ the word of God says in the book of psalms 61 verse two from the ends of the earth when my heart is overwhelmed lift me to the rock lead me to the rock that is higher than I 

  1. Lord Jesus Christ you are the rock the solid rock on you I stand heavenly father God loft me to the rock lead me to the rock lift  me to the rock that is higher than mySelf and  the Gangstalkers hired against me lift me to the rock higher above the their advanced attacks assaults or view of me to a  higher spiritual realm of your Gloria majesty and dominion power and supremacy and sovereignty which they can never reach never  ever touch never suck me or even get close to me in the name of Jesus Christ amen

  1. Heavily father God I asked that you disconnect me from every conscious subconscious of unconscious attacks of gangstakers using destiny perversion , vampire demons to suck me dry of my virtues glory‘s powers and anointings and energies and the such like that you have given to me for me to be able to enjoy life on this earth I ask that you disconnect me from all of them in the name of Jesus Christ 

  1. LORD JESUS CHRIST disconnect me from energy drainers , the  emotional drainers the love drainers and every other way way that I am being attack or  assaulted spiritually or being drained in the name of Jesus and recover back all that has been stolen for me in the name of Jesus amen

  1. In the name of Jesus thou  power of the living God locate all that belongs to me which the Gangstalkers and evil workers of iniquity have stolen from me in the name of Jesus reprogram it cover it with your blood  of JESUS CHRIST and seal it with your blood  and restore all of it back into my life in the name of Jesus by the power in the blood of Jesus Christ amen

  1. By and through in and over and around the blood of Jesus Christ I recover all my lost Blessings , breakthroughs , finances , divine opportunity divine possessions divine breakthroughs divine healing’s divine connection and distinction and fame that God has ordained for me and any other things you have declared for me which has been stolen blocked hindered suppressed repressed from or in my life I reclaim it all back from the hands  of whoever’s in possession of it in the name of Jesus Christ and I decree  that your Violet warrior angels will violent destroy and if necessary cutaway  with your sword of JUDGMENT to death anyone or any persons behind such evils directed at me in the name of Jesus Christ amen

  1. Lord God Almighty in the name of Jesus Christ reveal to me every secret I need to know actively impassibly passively present and  future concerning any of the steps moves or a assault of gangstalkers  anybody from the kingdom of darkness Freemasons, secret clubs or societies , Eastern stars or individuals who harness or are using evil powers  against me to rob me or oppress me , keep them away from me and expose them before they even get to me expose their  devices and as you expose  their devices Lord destroy their powers and do not let him succeed against me in the name of Jesus Christ amen

  1. By the power in a blood of Jesus Christ I break all evil vices sexual emotional physical or spiritual  VICES used to drain me in the name of Jesus Christ amen

  1. Dear God I consecrate my life to you but I asked that you help me to keep the  channels and doorways of my life closed from the evil eye of Horus from every evil eyes or powers searching and looking to dream my anointing and glory and power in the name of Jesus Christ amen
  2. Pray with Psalm 34:7, Ephesians 3:16, Ephesians 6:10-18 
  3. Bind up all monitoring , tracking and familiar spirits in the name of Jesus Christ Amen 

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you have any further prayer for yourself or others including difficult requests pls reach out to me God Bless 

God is working MIGHTY and I'd like to invite you to 

A fellowship I started on a conference Service 

Thursday's PRAYER LINE/BIBLE STUDY 7-8-8:30 pm (Eastern standard Time) 

SUNDAY's Praise & Worship and The  Word 4-6:30 pm (Eastern Standard Time) 

LOCATION: Live Conference link : 

TIKTOK: Joelisaiah2020 (

live on Instagram: Joelisaiah20 

Live Womens fellowship : every Saturday 12:45 pm on Facebook 

Facebook: Joel Isaiah 

Live Mens Outreach: Every Friday

12:45pm on Facebook 

Facebook: JOEL ISAIAH 

Live youth Outreach on Instagram @Joelisaiah20

Wednesday’s : 7-9pm 

God bless 

Donations / Love offering 

CashApp; $targeted4JesusChrist

God Bless


The info for the fellowship is above

Pls mark the dates above in your calendar as a reminder

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