Sunday, August 18, 2024


Prayer against hindering spirits, ungodly opposition sabotage and sabotaging agents entities and forces

In the name of Jesus Christ I confess all sins wrongs and inquiries trespasses and the such like that I have committed disobedience lack of submission to Godly authority disobedience to divine instructions commands or correction pride operating in a spirit other than God, lack of divine discernment that has placed me under divine judgement or judgement from a true man , pastor (male ) prophet or servant I confess it all and ask for forgiveness 

Lord Jesus Christ release me from such judgements in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen 

Every power or person hindering me be destroyed by the fire of God in mighty name of Jesus Christ 

In the name of Jesus Christ I command every power , entity person , business government agent  entity operating with any evil power and all powers other then the power of God against me  be destroyed violently by the fire of God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen 

Every power manipulating  me or my breakthroughs be conscious, unconsciously and subconsciously against me be destroyed by the fire of God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen 

Every evil power person or entity delaying good great mighty and prosperous things in my life be destroyed by the fire of God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen 

Whoever it is that’s holding or suspending my progress prosperity and destiny anywhere in this world all in any dimensions in the sea land air or in the spirit realm in the name of Jesus Christ o command you to release it by fire in the mighty name of Jesus Christ and be banished perpetually in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen 

The Blood of Jesus Christ paralyzed demonic entities operating against my prosperity in the name of Jesus Christ 

In the name of Jesus Christ I command all do you to be wasted way permanently by the fire of the living God on the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen 

In the name of Jesus Christ All demons hiding in anyone opposing my progress and prosperity the fire of God expose you and cause you to manifest and be judged viciously in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen 

Every veil covering my Glory be destroyed by the fire of God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen 

All false inisivudals making as prophets pastors prophetesses ontercessors apostles using false , counterfeit anointing to hinder be . Receive the angelic rage of the almighty God be paralyzed, neutralized blind hand and foot by God and cast out of my life physically and spiritual. In the name of Jesus Christ 

I decree all spiritual markers permitting the above individuals to monitor or track me be erased permanently by the power of God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen 

Every shrine altar or shaman assigned or conjured , raised or directed against my breakthrough physically and spiritually be roasted to ashes by the fire of the living God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen 

Lord God Almighty make it impossible for me to be deceived by the enemy and his agents seeking to hinder or sabotage my progress on the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen 

In the name of Jesus Christ I command all the dark agents spiritualists mediums hypnotists psychic witches wizards warlocks and the such operating against me may the power of the Holy Spirit Resist you and destroy you perpetually in the name of Jesus Christ Amen 

In the name of Jesus Christ All dark forces and powers operating against me physically and spiritually be wasted by the fire of God in the name of Jesus Christ 

Every unjust judgements declared against me and my name and existence I reject it in the name of Jesus Christ I nullify it in the name of Jesus christ

The power enforcing it against me be destroyed by the fire and Super natural power of the Almighty God whose name is YAH , whose name is the Lord God that dwelleth between the cherubims in the mighty name of YESHUA HAMASIACH. Amen 

In the name of Jesus Christ Christ I command every power person demon entity spirit fallen angel whatever is not of God tying me down in the spirit realm imprisoning me in the spirit real or any aspect of my soul or existence be visited by the merciless wrath and angel of God , and I command you to release me by the fire of God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ 

Release me by the fire of God 

Release me by the fire of God 

Release me by the fire of God 

Release me by the fire of God 

Release me by the fire of God 

Release me by the fire of God 

Release me by the fire of God 


IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST I pray and command that every chiefs demon principality humans or non human in charge of , controlling or manipulating my destiny my progress my prosperity  my blessings my ministry be dethroned bound hand and foot and cast into the pit of Hell in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen 

All evil magic dark magic green magic blue magic magic of any color or symbolism used to alter his be oppose tarnish obstruc sabotage my life path and purposes in the name of Jesus Christ I command all of it be dashed to pieces be destroyed by the fire of God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen 

May all your evil attacks against me be returned back tot he head of the sender in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen 

In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I mom withdraw my name from anywhere it has been taken to store to for evil pronouncements unjust judgements and the such like and command whoever did this their names to replace my name on such evil locations or altars , causing them to bear the full brunt of their evils against me on total reversal upon their heads in the name of Jesus Christ Amen 

In the name of Jesus Christ I command all witchcraft used or held against me for any reason or purpose I command it to lose its validly and potency and be wasted way by the fire of God that burns billion a trillion decree in the mighty name of Jesus  Name 


Heavenly Father Godbi renounce any standing covenants oaths rituals binds blood oaths marriage oaths witchcraft oaths linking me to the kingdom of darkness through freemasonry Easter star Rosicrucian Jesuit and the such like and I command all it holds against me to lose its power potency rule control force and effect from my life perpetually in the name of Jesus Christ 

Lord Jesus Christ I enthrone you as the ruling force over my life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen 

In the name of Jesus Christ I command that whatever freemasonary , eastern stars , Roman Catholicism , all secret societies , entities , persons or individuals have stolen from me be it physically or spiritual blessings gifts virtues greatness and any other divinely appointed gifts and blessing a I command it all be  restored permanently  infinite fold iin the mighty name of Jesus Christ Name 


The blood of Jesus Christ locate all cursed spells incantations invocations conjugations evil conjures in blood over around underneath or since of my life and blood and neutralize them permanently I command they all lose the potency effect and reach over my life or to my life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen

Every evil and all evil cycles patterns traits behaviors mannerism that repeated is repeating on repeating my father and mother a life family lineage and immediate family now repeating , repeated or os about to repeat in my life I reject you permanently in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen 

Every breakthrough that belongs to me that is in suspense , BE RELASED TO ME BY THE POWER OF GOD in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen

I claim divine immunity through and by the power in the blood of Jesus Christ against all witchcraft in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen 

In the name of Jesus Christ I command all private investigations past present and future aimed to destroy my life . Be stopped and wasted away by the fire of God in the name of Jesus Christ Amen 



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