Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Dealing with the power of the sea and its kingdom


                 Dealing with the power of the sea and its kingdom 

The Kingdom of Darkness has its main power in the sea and with it , it carries out all types and kinds of evil, understanding this secret and mystery puts you in position to war battle and conquer the Enemy so you can be victorious

Zechariah 9:4

Lord God Almighty break every power in the sea troubling me my future present and eating and marriage finances and peoples in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

Lord God dry up with your consuming fire all power of the sea working against me poverty covert subtly in the dream realm and in any areas of my life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen .

In the mighty name of Jesus Christ every power person nation or people utilizing the I)power of the sea,

ii) power of the air 

Iii) power of the Earth

Iv) the power of the elements

V) and any other mystery against me 

In the name of Jesus Christ I command such powers be broken and destroyed by the consuming power of God in  the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen 

Every cursed drink or liquids I have consumed that is being used to control my life be flushed out and destroyed out of my entire body soul and spirit systems  and circuitry in the mighty name of Jesus Christ 

The blood of Jesus Christ break the curses fully with no residue of any form to nothingness in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen 

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