Saturday, December 30, 2023

Delivernace Prayers for 2024 and Beyond


Prayers for The new Year 2024 

1. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, the son of God, every power that is keeping track of my life, keeping track of my progress, keeping track of my prosperity, keeping track of my ministry, keeping track of all aspects of my life and existence be destroyed by the fire of God, you evil powers, in the name of Jesus in Jesus mighty name amen.

2.Father God, mighty name of Jesus Christ. I played the blood of Jesus over my entrance into 2024 and my exit from 2023 and I decree every power that is hiding behind the shadows of darkness, every power working behind the shadows of darkness to hinder, oppose restrict, attack, assault harm or mai

 my life , hear the voice of God , God said let there be light, and there was like therefore I  degree in the  name of Jesus Christ, the brightness of God’s light to expose whoever and whatever it is that hiding behind the shadows of darkness for my life as I close out 2023 and  inch step by step into 2024 be exposed , destroyed and consumed by the fire of God in the name of Jesus Christ the son of God amen

By the power in the blood of Jesus Jesus Christ, I purchase every day,  every moment every second every minute every microsecond of 2024 from  January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024 with the blood of Jesus it is purchased by the mighty   blood of Jesus and beyond in the name of Jesus Christ, the son of God amen 

By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ, I break every spell every curse every hoodo voodoo Santeria, black magic, green magic, white magic, all practices of darkness and knowledge taught by the fallen angels to fallen human descendants, used or projected against me, or renewed against me as a ritual or sacrifice be destroyed and consumed by the fire of God in the mighty name of Jesus the son of God. Amen.

Every satanic minister ministering against him, hear  the voice of God. The Bible says touch, not anointed, and do my prophet no harm as I cross into  2024 I command your ministry against me be exterminated, in the name of Jesus, every satanic prophet or prophetess assigned against me as I cross into 2024  I leave them behind 2023 for perpetuity I decree your assignment and ministry and prophecy And divination against me be terminated immediately by the power of the living God, in the name of Jesus, the son of God. Amen.

By the power of the blood of Jesus Christ, I possess everything God is appointed for me to possess in 2024 in the name of Jesus Christ I refuse to possess anything that is not of God in 2024, and beyond in the name of Jesus, the son of God  

Lord almighty lift up my head in 2024

Father God, I pray God that you dismantle all evil networks that have been networking against me from the time I was born, till now as I am about to step into my 2024 be exterminated by the fire God, in the name of Jesus 

Father God, in the name of Jesus Christ as I cross over into 2024 , i decree every  imprisonment of my life in 2023 will not repeat itself , must not repeat itself cannot repeat itself in my life in 2024 in the name of Jesus Christ, the son of God, the blood of Jesus, the word of God, the fire of God, warrior angelic of God, barricade, my life perpetually Against any form of demonic, satanic ,occultic  marine imprisonment in the name  of Jesus Christ the son of God amen

Father in the name of Jesus, Jesus, I declare that every ordinance of darkness set up against me for 2024,  be thou dismantled and destroyed in by the power  of God, every hexagrams , pentagrams, vexagrams  use against me or my family my destiny my DNA  or renewed against me, be erased by the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus Christ the son of God Amen .  

 in the name of Jesus every closet witchcraft that has been used against me by anybody false ministers, ministry, pastors, false prophets, false teachers diviners , people that are using powers, using the power of light and darkness mix with the power of darkness, or using the power of darkness, and mixing with the power of light I command, and I degree the name of Jesus all your powers be destroyed in the name of Jesus, the son of God amen God amen 

By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ, I claim  divine immunity as I cross into  2024, from all the evils of 2023 and past years, yesteryears,  I claim divine  immunity against it all in the name of Jesus, every evils of setbacks failures, stagnation, limitation, prayerlessness, tiredness, awareness, carelessness, perversion Lack of empathy lack of love, whatever it is, that is not of God, I claim divine immunity against it, in 2024 in the name of Jesus, the son of God amen. Hallelujah.

Lord almighty lift up my horn, annoint my horn with fresh oil in 2024. I asked that the oil that you have for me in 2024 will overflow in the name of Jesus. I pray father God , the horn of oil for 2023 will remain and be consumed by your fire and a new horn of oil, larger and much more versatile be  release for me in 2024, as I am crossing into 2024 in mighty name of Jesus, the son of God amen. 

Father God, in the name of Jesus, whatever you have spoken to me,in  visions and dreams of my life that have failed to manifest by the power in the blood of Jesus Christ, I degree, and declare that it will begin to manifest by the power of God in the name of Jesus let the spiritual divine power of God manifest to bring to creation by the creative power of God, every and any promise any gift, any provision that you have appointed for me to have in the might name of  Jesus Christ the  son of God. Amen.

Dear God as i step into 2024 I refuse to be deceived every spell of deception and Time manipulation , spell of deception, Endtime, spell of delusion and bondage of delusion and deception anything of the end time that is orchestrated by the kingdom of darkness for my life, my friends, my family, my loved ones Lord, do not let it work upon us. Lord cause it to  passover , passover into hell, in the name of Jesus, and never return again in the name of Jesus, the son of God. Amen. 

Father God, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I ask  Lord that you release the innumerable company of the angels, the host of your angels to immediately strike and demolish. Every host of darkness set up against me, sent against me orchestrated against me, planning against me, scheming against me, and pushing me, targeting me harassed me, may all these host of human non-human spiritual demon, fallen angels, and the nephilim and the such like may all of them in the name of Jesus, the son of God, be arrested , and taken into a realm where their powers and activities can never be operated  or operable, and be destroyed right there in the name of Jesus  Christ , the son of God of God. 

Lord, I ask God Almighty mighty that every spiritual, strongman and strong woman, evil, spiritual man or woman , strog man , strong women entities, and principalities that have been enthroned  against my life in any point of my life, with without my knowledge behind the closet of darkness , as I  am crossing into  2024, I pray God in the name of Jesus that they will not be able to cross over. I ask for a hedge and  gulf of Gods angelic hosts , prepared to separate me from them, and they  for me, so that they cannot cross over in the name of Jesus, and may they lose their power, their influence they control, in the name of Jesus Christ  the son of God off of my life And every aspect of my existence, in the name of Jesus amen

All creative power of God, give ne creative ideas and begin to bring into existence all the creative ideas, and things that you have called into existence for me to be able to create for you touch my hands, my soul, my spirit, my hands, and cause them to create for you what you will to create in the name of Jesus because you are a God  of new beginoyou said, behold, I create new things before they bring up I will shew  them onto you. I do new things, Lord God almighty restore your , creative power in my Past poresebt and future and fill me now with it  in the name of Jesus. Hallelujah.

Dear God, Almighty, I pray for your divine shield to shield me, and hedge me all roundabout in the name of Jesus, shield me all roundabout from whatever it is, that the kingdom of darkness is set out against me in the beast system. In the name of Jesus, I claim the divine immunity against the beast system in the name of Jesus, wherever the beast system is set up or emerging or erupting to try to take me down , and prevent me from rising when the trumpets sounds, Lord destroy it in the name of Jesus, I will not be part of the beast system. I refuse to be in conformity with the beat system may my understanding my knowledge and wisdom of your word never be diminished Lord God  in the name of Jesus, the son of God. Amen.

Father God, in the name of Jesus send your  angelic host right now, to detain arrest and inprison in perpetual surround, with piercing rock, all the fallen angels and demons and principalities and powers that have challenge are challenging or about the challenge, the spiritual, authority, wisdom, anointing power, blessings, provision, establishments and rankings that you have given to me for your glory and your kingdom in 2024 and beyond In the name of Jesus the son of God amen God amen. 

Halle’s God  almighty, the name of Jesus, whatever the kingdom of darkness has imprisoned concerning my life concerning my destiny  concerning  my ancestry that you have divinely appointed may those prisons be terminated now  in the name of Jesus, I issue you a degree of Judgement for delivered and proclaim divine freedom in the name of Jesus freedom with full arrears and repayment of all the years that the cankerworm the Palmer worm, and whatever the kingdom of darkness has stolen away from me in the name of Jesus, the son of God hallelujah. Amen.

Lord God, almighty, in 2024 set me apart from any and everything in any person that can hinder me from being elevated by your mighty  RIGHT hand and power. In the name of Jesus the son of God I refuse to walk in shame I refuse to walk in the DEFEAT I refuse to work and WALK defeat I will be victorious. I choose the path of victory. I choose righteousness, Lord, quick me faster than I can, every match to be quick to do what you want me to do to respond IN righteousness TO you, Divine Provision and protection, and will of your words in the name of Jesus, the son of God

Father God in heaven, in the name of Jesus, as the years are winding down, and you’re coming is going higher and higher. I pray that I will never miss your coming Lord let my name be found in the book of life. I pray God in 2024 and beyond that my name  will never be taken out of your book of life, in the name of Jesus hallelujah 

father in the name of Jesus I decree  Oh God in the name of Jesus that you surround and hedge everything I possess as you did for Job. I pray the job anointing of God and blessings that you gave to Job release it up on me in the name of Jesus that the devil cannot touch me in the name of Jesus you have given righteousness through your son, Jesus Christ, and that righteousness exceeds the righteousness of all those before me and also all those after me and all those present so I pray that your righteousness be super exceeded in my life . Whatever the devil is trying to bring up against me, so that he will not be able to breach your hedge of righteousness and protection for me in the name of Jesus, the son of God amen.

Dear God, your  word said you have us keys of the kingdom so I possess the keys of the kingdom for my life. Oh God father whatever  you wish for me to possess keys of blessings to hand out in 2024 in the name of Jesus I will never be locked out of my blessings in the name of Jesus amen. 

in the name of Jesus Christ the son of God I pray father God in the name of Jesus, that every curse that I have received  or  birthed into or conceived in any sin that I was conceived in that has now become part of my existence, part of my soul, part of my life And is now cursing me to be a curse to myself,  making me be a curse to myself, making me be the hindrance to my blessing, hindrance to my breakthrough, the hindrance to your work in my life, or the hindrance to deliverance in my life, I asked that you break it right now, dear God, by the power of the blood of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Dear God, in the name of Jesus, I asked that you free me from any evil transferences that have been transferred or projected through any videos. Images sounds teaching on any social media platform that has projected demons or ungodly consciousness or awareness into my atmosphere and is now taking form like a parasite, spiritual parasite , Lord Jesus Christ the son of God  I pray that you remove those projections remove those parasites remove those evil plants remove those evil formations in the name of Jesus Christ .  every Astral implantations plantations  inside of me around the way my life atmosphere through social media, and the demonic energization of technology I asked that you remove it RIGHT NOW by the power IN the blood of Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus, the son of God amen. Amen.

Lord God your word says no weapon formed against me as a weapon  shalll prosper against me and my righteous brothers and sisters in Christ, so I pray that you make me immune to every wave  every and any  technological force of power, every electronic witchcraft sound, witchcraft,  , marine witchcraft, marine, technology, technology, and weaponization of technology by the king of  darkness,I pray for God that you make me immune to give me the power to destroy the ones you want me to destroy destroy the ones that I cannot destroy in my own power, or without your spiritual already. I ask God in the name of Jesus , that your will be done in Jesus name. Amen.

In the name of Jesus, I command, and I declare every power that is handcuffing has handcuffed my hands in 2023 that power will be destroyed and the handcuffs be broken in the name of Jesus amen. Hallelujah. 

In the name of Jesus Christ, the son of God, any spiritual for s or power that has been used against me, renewed against me to limit me to keep me out of God’s plan purposes for my life for 2024, and beyond be destroyed, in the name of Jesus, the altar be destroyed in the name of Jesus, fetish alters be destroyed in the name of Jesus Masonic powers  be destroyed in the name of Jesus. Amen. 

The power of the blood of Jesus Christ I speak into the AstrL realm ans I commanded every wicked powers of the Astro realm summoned against me projected against me for 2024 be arrested by the supernatural power of God, and judged  viciously in the name of Jesus whatever’s been sent through the Astral realm to attack me to limit me to oppose me  be destroyed by the fire of God, in the name of Jesus, the son of God amen 

By the power in the blood of Jesus  I break every stubborn bond curse and spells cycles, generational, and central curses that have plagued , my life, and the life , my beloved ones, my spouse, in the name of Jesus Christ, the son of God man 

Father God, in the name of Jesus, I asked that that every covenant that have been renewed or prepared to be renewed about to be renewed already renewed for 2024 against me that is not representative of you  and which you did not initiate . I asked that you destroy those covenants I refuse  it all  covenants, those rituals, those cycles, those sins in the name of Jesus I refuse to adjust any of these sinful lifestyles in the mighty name of Jesus the son of God any lies that I have adjusted myself to that is not of God, I command the power of the living God to Remove that evil adjustment and lifestyles  in the name of Jesus and put me into divine alignment for your glory power in the name of Jesus, the son of God amen hall

Father God, in the name of Jesus, for 2024. I asked that you fill me with love cause me  to operate under the power of your love cause me to be under the umbrella of your love cause  me to walk in your love buried in your love praying your love oh, God, receive deliverance by your love for your love, Lord  God conquers all Lord God grant me  the blessings of your love, let it rest upon me in the name of Jesus, the son of God, Lord God and mighty be gracious to me, father, the name of Jesus, thank you Lord God in Jesus mighty name amen. 

in the mighty name of Jesus, the son of God, I that you are anointing in my life will be upgraded in a fierce manner that would send terror to the kingdom of darkness for 2024 beyond in the name of Jesus, as each year increases as I pass through every year and every day every moment and second of 2024 and beyond may your anointing be fiercely increased oh, God, may your brightness your power, and your anointed be increased oh God may the oil God  begin to flow with thickness of your holiness, and your power, and your majesty oh hallelujah, Kia, 

 father your word says, in the name of Jesus, that your son Jesus Christ was praying. His prayers were like his sweats look like drops of blood , let your anointing be so thick and powerful like, and with the blood of Jesus in my life in the name of Jesus, same man

In the mighty name of Jesus, I received spiritual foresight and hindsight  and presence of God for 2024, and beyond every day every moment every second 2024 beyond in the name of Jesus, the son of God 

Father God, in the name of Jesus Christ as I cross over into 2024 that nothing  evil will cross over with me from 2023 , into 2024 that is not of you in  Jesus name I pray the spiritual barriers be set up in your kingdom and here on earth in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen 

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