Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Prayers against mind attacks and temptations

Prayers against mind attacks and temptations 

Published 02-15-2022

Isaiah 26:3 

1) Father your word says in Isaiah 26 verse three you will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on the Lord because he trust in the Lord for this day forward keep my mind in your perfect peace help me to trust you and help my mind to be stayed on you and your word Holy Spirit empowers me to keep my mind stayed on God and his Word in Jesus name amen

2) By Power in the blood of Jesus Christ I erase all evil handwriting of the enemy over my mind in my mind and in my thoughts in the name of Jesus amen

3) By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I soak my mind my conscious mind my subconscious mind and conscious mind in the power of the blood of Jesus Christ

4) By the power of the blood of Jesus Christ I reclaim claim and regain back my mind from the possession and control manipulation  of demons, spirits demons of Lust  fornication adultery and any others in the mighty  name of Jesus Christ . Amen 

5) “ Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;”

‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭10:5‬ ‭KJV‬‬


In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I cast down all ungodly imaginations perverse imagination sexually immoral immoral imaginations imaginations that leads to watching pornography and masturbating having sexual fantasies and there’s such like casting down and bring into captivity to the beatings of Jesus Christ I also cast down every imagination Highfield there is exhausted and self. It’s the knowledge of Jesus Christ and I can sit down and bring a captivity to the business of Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus Christ amen

6 ) in the name of Jesus Christ Holy Spirit of God take control of my mind guide my mind and power my mind help me to control my mind through the word of God in the name of Jesus Christ amen

7) Thy word O God have I hid in my heart that I will not sin against you heavenly father in empower me through the  Holy Spirit under the guidance of the Holy Spirit to fill my mind with your word let my mind be saturated with your word let my heart be so saturated with your word so that I will not sin against you in Jesus name amen

By the power in the blood of Jesus I break all spells of occult mind control all entanglements with the octopus spirit which represents the spirit of mind control and any other mind control schemes of Satan In the name of Jesus Christ I break my mind free from the hold captivity possession poisoning and injections and I proclaim  in the name of Jesus Christ  all the toxins be removed spiritually and physically by the power in the blood of Jesus Christ amen

Father God in the name of Jesus Christ I submit my mind to you I resist the devil and I command him to flee in the name of Jesus Christ amen

By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I reclaim back all grounds in my mind that I have given  over for the enemy to use and  take control of , in the name of Jesus I take control of reclaim all parts of my mind , and the ground and I have given in my mind to the enemy through my years  of sinning  watching things I shouldn’t watch hearing things I shouldn’t hear going to places that shouldn’t go , or other sinful lifestyles I reclaim  all the ground back in the name of Jesus Christ and I command it be sealed with the blood of Jesus Christ amen

Heavenly father your word says no temptation has taken any man but every every man is drawn by his lust , but with thetemptation you will make a way to escape 

so father God every lust of my mind every lust  of my flesh as your word says in Ephesian 2:3 I ask  that you remove every lust  of my mind and lust of the flesh and give me your Godly nature personified through Jesus Christ in Jesus name amen.

By and through the power in the blood of Jesus I resist every mind attacks directed at moving me away from my faith in God in the name of Jesus amen

Itmy mind heard the word of God you belong to God therefore receive the power of God receive the touch of the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus Christ , 

in the name of Jesus Christ 

I claim a hedge of fire built right above , around and in. my mind like a mighty fortress in the mighty name of Jesus Christ . Amen 

Father as I read your Word sharpen my mind with your words make my mind super sharp so the enemy cannot bridge or get right into my mind in the name of Jesus Christ amen

Holy Spirit of God  fill my mind with the word of God strengthen my mind with the word of God in the name of Jesus amen

Holy Spirit heal my mind from all of mind dramas , emotional traumas , sexual traumas soul traumas , all kinds of traumas in the name of Jesus Christ amen

Heavenly father God in the name of Jesus Christ I ask that you break every cycle , every stronghold of the enemy that has caused my mind to regress back to a sinful state, I ask you break it completely and re-create my mind renew my mind with your power and your love fill my mind with your love and your power in Jesus name amen 

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