Friday, April 7, 2023

Prayers for God’s Judgment against evil Attacks of the enemy Part 1

 Released 09-20-2022 Prayers  for God’s Judgment against evil Attacks of the enemy  Part 1 

1)Every handwriting of the enemy over my life fail woefully in the mighty name of Jesus Christ 

2). Every attack of the enemy fail woefully in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen 

3). By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I resist the attacks to my ears head and feet in the name of Jesus Christ . Amen 

4). All powers of Darkness tampering with my destiny be destroyed by the fire of God in that mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen . 

5). Every power attacking the anointing and glory of God in my life he destroyed by the fire of God in the name of Jesus Christ Amen 

6).You enemy attacking me , The blood of Jesus Christ deny you access to my body soul spirit and life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ  

7). Every activity over my head be paralyzed and dislodged by the fire of God in the name of Jesus Christ 


8).the name of Jesus Christ , my Head be loosed  and released from every captivity placed over you in the name of Jesus Christ Amen 

9).In the name of Jesus Christ my head hands feet every part of my body under demonic control ,siege ,possession RECEIVE DELIVERANCE BY THE FIRE OF GOD IN THE MIGHTY name of Jesus Christ 

Psalm 21:11

10). Every evil devices mischievous devices intended against me father God  cause my enemies not to succeed don’t let them succeed in or be able to perform their evil devices in the mighty name of Jesus Christ 

11).In the mighty name of Jesus Christ , I command the vigorous fire of God to destroy this attack in the name of Jesus Christ . 

12). Every sin I have committed permitting this attack dear God forgive me and cleanse me I repent in confession of this and in the name of Jesus Christ I command the attack to be destroyed in the name of Jesus Christ Amen .

13). Isaiah 30:3  Every strength of Egypt used against me be broken in the name of Jesus Christ 

14). Every power of the shadow of Egypt be destroyed with the brightness of the ancient of days in the name of Jesus Christ Amen . 

Isaiah 31:20

15).Lord Give my enemies the bread of adversity and the water of affliction in the name of Jesus Christ . 

16). Isaiah 37:39

Heavenly Father Put your hook in the nose of whatever or whoever it is that is attacking my left ear and your bridle in the lips of whoever it is that is attacking me and thrust them back by the way they came in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen . 

17). Isaiah 37:36

Lord God send your angels to slay whoever it is that is troubling my left ear  and my head , the angel that you sent to smite the camp of Assyrians with one swipe of their sword and 185,000 died  in the mighty name of Jesus Christ 


18). Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Christ 

Set your countenance against whoever is attacking me in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen 

19 Isaiah 60:12

Lord God utterly waste my enemies in the name of Jesus Christ waste them away with your fire in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen 

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