Monday, February 7, 2022

Deliverance prayers to break soul ties all soul ties especially soul ties from past toxic relationship relationships Part 1

 Deliverance prayers to break soul ties all soul ties especially soul ties from past toxic relationship relationships Part 1

Authored: 02-07-2022

Before praying pls pray these every night after midnight this is the time to enact judgment cancel reverse and undo evils of the enemy through prayer 

Fasting is recommends : 

Fasting from 6am-12 am



Are starting points of fasting 

Longer fasts should be taken as necessary

If you still dealing with this issues pls reach out to me or have an anointed. MAN of God pray for you . 

First pray and confess your sins be honest God knows your heart 

Pray with 1 John 1:9

Put on the Whole Armor of God by praying  with Ephesians 6:10-18

This is SPIRITUAL WARFARE, so ask for strength 

Feed on the word of God 

Read , study and meditate( not yoga, this is satanic  AND OCCULTIC)  . A minimum of 10 Chapters of the Bible in the morning and another 10 at night before bed and 5 before and after the warfare prayers 

You need this much as a minimum to feed your soul 

This is just a guide as people are very ignorant and too hard hearted 

So follow as the Holy Spirit Leads 

1) Heavenly  father  I come before you and I confess and  repent of Any and all sins I have committed in disobedience ignorance with and without the knowledge of your truth that led me into a relationship with the same sex or the opposite sex and and sexual intercourse outside marriage and 

has put me in a bondage both  physically and spiritually through SoulTies and is been used to torment, afflict, block or hinder your plan and  purposes and blessings from my life I ask that you forgive me and wash me clean by your blood in the mighty name of Jesus Christ amen


Read Psalm 124:7

 " Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers:The snare is broken, and we are escaped.

Father your word says as a bird my soul is escaped out of the snare of the  fowler , the snare is broken and I am escaped , therefore Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Christ break every sneer my life has entered into because of any current past or future or ungodly relationships with the same sex or the opposite sex or sexual intercourse  in the name of Jesus Christ amen

3)  By the power of the blood of Jesus Christ I break all soul ties with 

  ( mention their names one by one )

and I commend that every evil transference's that has come into my life through the soul tie formed t through sex,  kissing , caressing , sexual fantasy imagination,  touch , communion , hanging out with anyone  in the name of Jesus I reject those evil transference's and I commend them to return back to the base or possessor  or to the pits of hell in the name of Jesus Christ amen

4) By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I break all sexual soul ties tying me to the demons and spirits in the lives of anybody that I have had sexual contact with current past or future and it resulted in a channel of flow of the evils into my life and I ask that you block all these flows and separate me from them physically and spiritually in Jesus Christ  Name amen

5) Through and by thee  Power in the blood of Jesus Christ I came back all my virtues by Glories,  my stars,  my Destinies my purposes,  my ideas,  my blessings everything that pertains to me that has been stolen or is  been stolen through any soul ties  that I have with anyone and any other ungodly soul ties including soul ties  through Pastor’s, false ministries, Ministries operating  as a cult under or on the influence or control of a demonic Pastor, satanic ministers, covert and overly  in the name of Jesus amen

6) By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I reclaim back all the divine promises of God for my life that I’ve been stolen through having an ungodly soul tie through sex or any other means in the name of Jesus Christ amen

7) By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I break all energy drains , sexual energy drains,  hooks spiritual hooks that is being purposed directed and channeled through these soul ties to drain me of my happiness my peace my joy my fellowship with you  God , my spiritual walk spiritual authority spiritual dominance my deliverance my breakthroughs my strength in the Lord and any other thing that has been drained, is being  drained from me and I command all that has been drained for me be  restored back to me cleansed with the blood of Jesus in Jesus name amen

8) By the power in the blood of Jesus I command the east wind of God empowered by the the Holy Spirit and through the Holy Spirit to extract all evil deposits deposited inside of me through any sexual soul ties , in any form or manner in the name of Jesus Christ amen

9) By the power of the blood of Jesus Christ I command all the fragments of the persons or individual spirits or demons that have been deposited or attached to me through any Soul Ties through sex  be extracted by the power of the Holy Spirit and return back to the original locations in the name of Jesus Christ amen

10) By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I clean my freedom from the bondage captivity imprisonment torment affliction oppression suppression depression setbacks limitations curses that this ungodly soul tie has brought me under or into , or that’s is always keeping me in or under in the name of Jesus Christ amen

11) In thee name of  Jesus Christ I bind all the demons enforcing any soul ties over my life and cast him to the pits of hell in the name of Jesus Christ amen

12) In the Mighty name of Jesus Christ I bind all demons released through any spells because of any soul tie i have  with anyone of which the other person or party  is now taking vengeance against me and using this soul tie as  is a legal ground in my life to afflict, restrict  or rip apart my life or destroy my life I command these demons  Be bound up and cast  into the pits of hell in the name of Jesus Christ amen

13) By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I break the spell the curse the influence the control,  the manipulation of , possession and attack of the spirit of the narcissist the spirit of Jezebel that is controlling me actively passively because of  past present soul ties and  future ones  and is bringing me harm and destruction and untold hardship delays and stagnation in the name of Jesus Christ amen

14) Father God in the name of Jesus every spiritual covenant that has been enforced through any soul ties  in my life by the other party I have any contact with sexually whether the same sex or the opposite sex that is being used to drag me or put me in their grip id hold  I commend all of them be BROKEN  right now in the name of Jesus Christ amen    

15) I ClaimAngelic  protection and ceiling from all inflows and outflows not permitted by God because of any sexual sins. Soul ties  in my life in the name of Jesus Christ amen

16) By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I close all spiritual doors and portals allow this person and the demons thats giving  this person to access my life through any sexual soul ties in the name of Jesus Christ amen  

17) By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ father God change my spiritual frequency disconnect me from every spiritual frequency that is connecting me to any evils evil spirits demons of incubus and succubus and the spirits and demons in the lives of the individual that I’ve had any ungodly soul ties with be it of the same sex opposite sex , sex with animals(beastiality)  or through sexual fantasy or through porn in the mighty name of Jesus Christ amen

18) Heavenly father restore the purity of your glory of your power and your anointing in my body and in the sexual area of my life that has been contaminated polluted poisoned dreamed repurpose site found through any soul ties phone through sex in any other means in the name of Jesus Christ amen

19) Heavenly father name of Jesus Christ I ask that you reveal  everything I need to know that I don’t know concerning any other soul ties that is connected to me or being used as a mantle to oppress me or hurt me or in prison me and destroy all these mantles  as you reveal these things enact  complete deliverance for me in the name of Jesus Christ amen

20) Heavenly father I ask that you restore  in purity  the sexual anointing you have placed  in my seed through my sperm or eggs and seal it with the blood of Jesus Christ from all thefts  by Satan, Baal, Lilith ,  incubus ,succubus,  spirit sex demons , andromeda sex principality ( for Males) 

,Medusa sex principality , mermaid and serpent , python spirits ( for females ) , and any known and Unknown spirits and unclean spirit in Jesus name amen

21) Power in the blood of Jesus Christ disconnect my conscious subconscious unconscious mind from the control manipulation , coercion and  possession of any unclean spirits because of any sexual soul ties in Jesus name amen

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