Monday, January 13, 2025






Evil Drainage can occur because of sin, transgressions inherited sins, generational curses and sexual curses bloodline curses, foundational curses all by association with people who are too connected with demons. or who have a lot of demons or demonic activity in their lives, or it could be connected to ministries individuals or people who have not been fully delivered, but went into ministry without full deliverance, and there are channels and doorways and pathways through which demons can access them. 

It can also occur through demonic encounter, ministers, and individuals who are using counterfeit, anointing, and because they need to balance out their deception so they don't get exposed they open doors or doors are open in any possible way to their followers, through false doctrines, teachings, sexual immorality, and the such like to access people and people connected to them so this is a very vicious, parasitic spirit, and it needs to be dealt with once you start seeing the subtle signs or overt signs or advanced stage signs of these kind of influences be it physically and spiritually

It is very important that only the Holy Spirit is the one that you feed off of. That's why it's very important for you to work out your salvation with fear and trembling they'll be more to this. God bless you shalom if you feel led to, please share your testimonies in the comment section or you can reach out to me through the website shalom

You can feel drained through transparent of spirits. What you watch what you see what you do with your five senses can be conduits to drain you, so be very careful spend more time in the world listen to things that are godly anything that appears evil especially anything sexual try as much as possible by the grace of God, and with the strength of God, and with your free will in exertion, actively to resisted and shown away from it the Bible clearly states that we should flee you fullest so as young people as useful people, there's a nature of sin that Satan has put a programmed into our youth that we've been given power through Jesus Christ, overcome if we abide by God's words Bible says he that break the hedge a will bite that that's in the book of Ecclesiastes so I encourage you to please try your best to make this adjustment. If you're too weak to do it, you can always ask for help or ask the Holy Spirit to help you and also seat to help of people around you who specially strong don't stay around people who are completely unstable, one of the markers of people who who can drain you or who the enemy can use our people who are very unstable, they just like died from place to place one minute they're doing something that seems to be of God and then the next minute they're doing something they just leaves you confused or you're not sure or it's a blur whatever God does is clear distinct and gives you peace

God is not the author of confusion, so any doctors are teaching you are listening to can give access for demons to access you, such as KUNDALINI spirits, marine spirits, spirits of the underworld, Masonic spirits, that's in the church, you attend, at any of those spirits of God evil drainage can happen through food so be very careful what kind of food you eat OK some people can put your food so they can keep talking and stealing from you or tapping into your destiny. OK you always notice you always dry always weak you're always tired. You may experience pain in your body. You may experience, unknown illnesses, and stuff like that, evil drainage can happen also he

People who are dark and deep into the can place a hex on you using touch site, vision, or access to you, or through orchestrated, demonically, or orchestrated event or situations like maybe an arrest of being pulled over by the police to make you act out of certain way, so that you get angry once you get angry that they already have that spell or hex and place, and it will fall when you so you need to be on guard try to stay calm, humble, and prayerful and be in the spirit more will be shared. God bless you shalom.


As always pray with 1 John 1:9 - Confess any sins to free you off of any legality satan and his demons and agents ( human and non human) may try to use are using or will use to drain you,

be mindful and watchful and prayerful of what's draining you, it could be social media- TikTok , instagram(ladies) , watching porn, putting your pictures or nakedness online( photographic witchcraft) harlotry( selling or soliciting for sex online, or through any outlets, hordes of demosn love sex because of the energy and anointing God deposited there as a life force to create new life, protect your sexual anointing, protect your heart, relationships can also drain you, taking breather as led by the Holy Spirit with direction from someone  Holy Spirit led not directly involved in the relationship or party is very helpful.

 1) In the name of Jesus, whatever is draining me, or weakening me, be destroyed by the fire of God, in the mighty name of Jesus, be destroyed by the FIRE OF GOD

2) In the name of Jesus Christ, the son of God, I disconnect from anyone or anything any place or person that is draining me of the ANOINTING  of God in my life, and the goodness of God in my life, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

3) LORD GOD ALMIGHTY expose whoever's doing this drainage in the mighty name of Jesus and cut them all from my life in Jesus name amen

4) In the name of Jesus Christ, the son of God, Lord Jesus Christ, I BIND all the demons and spiritual powers and spirits, operating through anybody or channeled through anybody close to me or remotely connected to me that is draining me. I bind the demons up and cast THEM INTP THE PITS OF HELL IN THE MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS CHRIST (For we wrestle not against flesh and Blood , but against Principalities and Powers)

5) By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ, I recover back what has been drained from me. That is of God that is meant to bless me and launch me forward in life in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

6) In the name of Jesus Christ, I dethrone and bind and cast out every , strongman and strong woman, operating in activity, or passivity as a conduit to enable any kind of drainage in my life, in the mighty name of Jesus, the son of God

7) In the name of Jesus Christ, the son of God made every form of witchcraft are called sorcery, divination, enchantment, and magical powers that is being used to access me be completely destroyed. In the name of Jesus I seal off my space, my spiritual space and atmosphere my soul, my spirit, my mind, my consciousness, everything of me I see it off from every evil axis that seeks to drain or suck me dry or bleed me dry of the goodness of God the blessings of God, the beauty of God, handsomeness of God and all the good things and ideas that God is deposited in my life and Jesus name amen


Saturday, January 4, 2025

Prayers for New YEAR 2025

                                         Prayer for New Years 2025

1) Father God , in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ, I give thee thanks for allowing and Blessing me to see another New Year . I worship you and Adore you in the name of Jesus Christ Amen

2) By the Power in the blood of Jesus Christ , I claim divine immunity from all the evils set forth by the enemy word wide for 2025 and Beyond in the might name of Jesus Christ

3) By the power in the name of Jesus Christ I declare and decree the fullness of Gods Promises for my life will follow me everywhere  I go in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Amen

4) Every power assigned to silence me and choke the goodness of God in 2025 be forever silenced and destroyed by the fire of God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

5) in the New Year of 2025, I am transformed by the Power of God into the fulness of all that God created                                  me for in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Amen

6) Lord God n 2025, I operate by the power of the supernatural anointing of the Holy Spirit in the mighty name of Jesus Christ , Amen

7) In the name of Jesus Christ I Break ever hold placed ion me in the past year of 2024, m to be weaponized by the enemy against me in 2025, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

8) Every Battle, Every War waged against me for 2025, I claim Victory over, upon and against it in the mighty name of Jesus Christ , Amen

9) The Wisdom of God with Understanding and Knowledge, shall be my guard in 2025, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Amen

10) In the name of Jesus Christ,every satanic, demonic, marine storm sent to me for 2025, I reject it and renounce it in the name of Jesus,, Christ, I I command all these storm s be consumed to nothingness in the name of Jesus Christ, family storms, financial storms, spiritual storms, fearful storms, marital storms, ministry storms, storms of life  BE GONE !!! in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Amen

11) in the name of Jesus Christ, io reject every arrow of the enemy fired into 2025 for my life, with eh shield of faith of God, I repel tt and command it to go back  and destroy the sender, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Amen

12) In the name of Jesus Christ I nullify every satanic demonic agenda for my life and those of my family and my country and the world in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

13) in the name of Jesus Christ the son of the living God for 2025 and beyond I BREAK all blood, covenants, rituals, renewed against me for any time line or in perpetuity

I command they all be destroyed by the fore of the living God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ , Amen.

14) in the name of Jesus Christ, every power , personality working to cut my life short, be cut off and destroyed but the sword of God's Judgement with no mercy in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen.

15) In the name of Jesus Christ, every Target placed on my life for any reason or purpose in 2025, n=benefitting workers of iniquity be exposed,,, disgraced, and judged , and destroyed by the FIRE OF THE LIVING GOD , in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Amen

16) Every Nuclear Fall out prepared against me for 2025, fail woefully in the mighty name of Jesus Christ , Amen 

17) Father God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, every unsettled unforgivemss bitterness grudges resentments and the such like in 2024, following me into 2025, se settled by the blood of Jesus Christ, I nullify it all and declare " IT IS FINISHED " in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Amen

18) By the Power in the blood of Jesus Christ, by the power in the name of Jesus Christ I shall will and must escape all evil traps of the enemy in the. name of Jesus Christ, Amen

19) Inn the name of Jesus, Christ, EVERY demonic, occult, satanic, witchcraft, evil program of the enemy , programmed against me for 2025 and beyond be arrested and destroyed by the fire of the living God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen.

20) in the name of Jesus Christ I decree all demonic powers networks, covens, warlocks, shamans, physics, deviators, star gazers, destiny manipulators, destiny hijackers , anointing drainers, operating in or around or against me , receive the fore of God's Judgment, I declare the sword of God to perpetually judge them and destroy them permanently in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

21) Lord God Almighty, Grant me the the fullness of the blessings in continuity for 2025 in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, your Blessings that never ceases in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Amen

22) Dear God , in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Break every fetters, chains, shackles, coverings, snares, hexes and anything that binds and hinders off me , br it consciously , unconsciously, subconsciously in all areas of my life eofr 2025 in the might name of Jesus Christ Amen,

23) Lord God Almighty, restore all the pastors and leaders that fell off in 2024 and beyond and put the enemy to shame in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen,

24) in the name of Jesus Christ, I command every mutant he devil has created for me in 2025m, be leveled off and made plain into nothingness in the mighty name of Jesus Christ , Amen

25) In the name of Jesus Christ, every wave of confusion sent , directed by the enemy against me , against my mind, my heart,  for 2025 I reject ir and renounce it in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Amen

26)  In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, every release meant for me in 2025 from 2024  held in captivity, stolen, buried, robbed from me , I command it be RELEASED TO ME BY THE FIRE OF THE LIVING GOD in the mighty name of JESUS CHRIST, AMEN

27) In the name of Jesus Christ, the son of the living God, I reject, very plague perpared or sent by the enemy againstme perpetually in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Amen, make me immune too it dear God in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

28) Every Evil contention directed art me fail woefully in the mighty name of Jesus Christ , Amen

29) in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I decree and declare that every ungodly opposition, directed, schemed against me be destroyed by the fire of the living God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Amen

30) in the name of Jesus Christ, I decree and declare every door for me in 2025 to open up by the fire of God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, doors of mercy, doors of peace, doors of grace, doors of divine encounters with God, doors of financial Blessings, Doors of Distinction , Doors of Heaven and ALL doors meant for me , in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen

31) In the name of Jesus Christ, I renounce and reject,, and BREAK  all restrictions of 2024 for 2025 and for 2025 and beyond placed on me b the enemy  , my ministry, my marriage,, my finances and all areas of my life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ , Amen

32) in the mighty name of Jeuss Christ , every dark covering blinding my vision and clarity be consumed by the fire pot the living God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Amen

33) Every Satanic Mantle and Anchor used or directed against me for 2025 , be consumed and roasted to ashes by the fire of the living God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen

34) In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I recall and retrieve my names from all satanic dossiers, registers, databases be they governmental, local, national , worldwide and the such like in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen

35) in the name of Jesus Christ I decree instantly the blood of Jesus to instantly black all evils directed again tm using pentagrams hexagram's by the kingdom of darkness in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen

to be continued