Friday, August 25, 2023

Prayers when the Enemy is attacking 02-18-2023

 Prayers when the Enemy is attacking 02-20-2023

1. Lord God Expose whoever and whatever is attacking good things in my life and judge them to the point of Redemption or condemnation in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. AMEN

2. Every Wasting Spirits Wasting away God.s Provisioning my life, my promotion, anointing, virtues my ministry, my happiness and the such like, be thou destroyed in the mighty name oF Jesus Christ. Amen

3. In the mighty name go Jesus CHRIST, I Command the power of God to scatter my enemies and those conspiring against me in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen

4. In the name of Jesus Christ all secure hands and powers conspiring against me in this city, street, state country be they local international, territorial be thou exposed and disgraced in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.

5. Father God in the mighty name of  Jesus Christ , strip away thee wealth and resources of whoever it is that is using satanic wealth and resources to harass me in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen

6. All curses , sepals, hexes, incantations, rituals and the such like directed against my existence , fruitfulness, handwork, prosperity be thou paralyzed and  destroyed in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen

7. By the Divine hand of God’s  DIVINE MANTLE (Anointing) of wealth, I declare and nullify all satanic wealth contesting against the wealth of God in my life in the mighty name of Jesus CHRIST.AMEN.

8. Lord God send a Noise in the camp of my enemies , send a noise warfare to confuse, blind, dismantle my enemies in the name of Jesu Christ. Amen

9. Heavenly enact a decree on by heal and your holy hones of yours and command the open disgrace, demotion , shame  and extinction of whoever it is that is troubling my ministry, my health, my provision and life in the mighty name of JESUS CHRIST, AMEN

10. Heavenly Father send those two angels that were recorded in the scripture who killed 185,000 men with one swipe of their sword to locate, dismantle and waste away to nothingness all evil networks, networking against me in the MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS CHRIST AMEN.

11. In the name of Jesus Christ I command all evil achievements of my enemies against me , giving loss, oppression, loss be canceled and nullified and  converted to perpetual blessings for me in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen.

12. PSALM 78;46- Lord give the increase of my enemies unit the caterpillar and their  labor unto the locust , give up their cattle and their flocks to hot thunderbolts in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen

13. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, every Strength, and shadow of Egypt used against me fail woefully and be destroyed in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Amen

14. In the name of Jesus Christ , I command all pyramids of Egypt and strength of Egypt used against me be converted shame and confusion in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen.

15. FATHER GOD IN THE MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS CHRIST, I Declare woe upon whoever or whatever it is that is targeting me and attacking me in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

16. In the name of Jesus Christ, may the blood of Jesus Christ , make me immune and invisible to the onslaught and attacks of the enemy in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.

17. Heavenly Father send your shadow of death upon whoever it is that is troubling me in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.

18. Every Mysterious MYSTERY SIEGE, bewitchment of my arms and legs be destroyed by the fire of God( say over and over) in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Amen

19. Heavenly Father, God dismantle every power attacking my arms and the strength of my arms in the mighty name of JESUS CHRIST AMEN.

Sunday, August 13, 2023


       Prayers against Worldwide Trafficking

Heavenly Father  God in the mighty name of Jesus I come before you and I ask for your vengeance to be enacted upon all forms of trafficking in this city, this nation, and around the world, in the name of Jesus Christ. AMEN

By the power in the Blood of Jesus Christ, I break off every yoke, every spell, every curse, every incantation, every Sorcery, every bewitchment every voodoo every Santeria that is being used to empower to hide to cover up and to propagate every form of trafficking be it child trafficking, human trafficking, sex trafficking, drug trafficking, and any other types of trafficking, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen


By the POWER in  the blood of Jesus Christ, I break every demonic satanic Occultic bondage that is benefiting traffickers and empowering them over my city, my country, my nation, my town and worldwide in the name of Jesus Christ amen

Father God released your warrior angels to destroy the demonic stronghold. That is a empowering, sex trafficking, child trafficking, human trafficking, drug trafficking, and any other types of trafficking in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

Jesus Christ the word of God says whatever I bind on earth is bound in heaven whatever I lose, on earth is loosed in heaven as referenced in Matthew chapter 18, verse 18 therefore, in the name of Jesus Christ, I bind all the demons, the principalities, the powers, the rulers of darkness, the spiritual wickedness, in high places that are responsible for child trafficking, sex trafficking, human trafficking, and all forms of trafficking, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Heavenly father, send your warrior angels and angels of all classes to trace locate and rescue all the innocent children and individuals that are trapped in sex trafficking, child trafficking, human trafficking, drug trafficking, and any other forms of trafficking, including organ trafficking, in the name of Jesus amen.

Heavenly Father God , in the mighty name of YESHUA HAMASIACH DEthrone, the principalities and power called Molech that is responsible for the sacrifice of children, and the drinking of their blood and the traumatization of children in my city, and my nation in my community and around the world in Jesus name amen.

Father God, I pray that you use the elements of your creation, your thunderbolts your fiery storms, your earthquakes to trace and locate all the hidden, tunnels, underground, tunnels underground caverns on the ground locations, where all forms of trafficking is being perpetuated, and destroy all of them in the mighty name of Jesus Christ amen

Lord  God in the mighty name of JESUS CHRIST raise up a DEFENCE for all those who have been abused and hurt in any form OR way by trafficking in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Lord JESUS CHRIST raise up a standard against the proliferation, and the secrecy, behind child trafficking, human trafficking, sex trafficking, organ trafficking, drug trafficking, and any forms of trafficking in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

LORD GOD YOUR WORD says that fire will consume the tabernacle of bribery, so I pray that God that you release your fiery fire and consume all the tabernacles of Molech, Baphoment  and any other satanic princes that have been set up in Groves in grottoes in any location underneath the earth in the Earth above the Earth that is maintaining and sustaining child trafficking, human trafficking, drug trafficking, sex trafficking, and the such like an consume them with your fire to nothingness in Jesus mighty name

In the mighty name name of Jesus Christ , I pray ask that you send innumerable company of your angels to be released worldwide to police the entire earth and place under angelic arrest the perpetuators of  Crime against humanity such as Child Trafficking, human trafficking, sex trafficking and the such like in the mighty name of Jesus Amen.


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