Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Prayers dealing with Unforgivness and to forgive

 This is a major major issue today amongst the body of Christ unforgiveness bitterness grudges resentments and the suchlike is a very big big blocker of blessings breakthroughs and answers to prayers we are told in the Bible to forgive one another and to show love, mercy and compassion to one another before we come to the Lord we are told to forgive and confess our sins and settle any issues that needs to be settled so this is a prayer that is geared to make sure that we are focused on love and whatever it  is the God is calling us to focus on so if you have any unforgiveness bitterness and grudges resentments and such like this is the time for you to lay it down before the Lord and let it go do not tell me or anyone you can’t forgive . 

 forgiveness is divine God forgives you for every little mistake you make so why should you not be able to forgive someone because they hurt you I’ve had many many cases of people who will come to me with prayers ministered to them and they are having issues of curses blockages, setbacks  limitation and such like an evil demonic attack and oppression and when God reveals the real cause of the problem as we always are told to look at root book cause of a problem it is always rooted in unforgiveness bitterness and grudges on those specific cases,  not all cases so if you need prayer the following prayer request is a guide to help you this is not a ritual prayer this is a  special prayer God gave me. 

1) Heavenly father God I humbly come before you and I confess and repent of any and all sins  of unforgiveness bitterness grudges resentments and such like in the name of Jesus Christ your word says in the book of 1 John 1:9 

that if I confess my sins  you are faithful and just to forgive me of all my sins iniquities trespasses and such like so forgive me Dear God  and cleanse me  by your blood in Jesus Christs  name amen.

2) By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I break all curses spells bondages  captivity, snare, prison be  it spiritual and physical that have come up on my life that I have placed myself on  because of any form of unforgiveness bitterness and grudges I asked that you forgive me dear God set me free from these curses in the name of Jesus Christ in the mighty name of Jesus Christ 

based on your word  in Matthew 18 verse 18 whatever I bind on earth is Bound in heaven and whatever I loose on earth is looses in heaven therefore I bind all demons attached to any curses on my life caused by unforgivness , bitterness, grudges and the such like in the name of Jesus Christ I command every bondage over my life be loosened and removed completely off  me in the mighty name of Jesus Christ . AMEN 

4) Heavenly father God touch every and all individuals that are holding any form of unforgiveness bitterness grudges resentments and the such  like against me and cause them to forgive me and release their hold from me in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

5) Heavenly father by the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I release every hold that I have over anyone through any form of unforgiveness bitterness and grudges and I asked that you set them free and in Jesus name

6) Father God restore all the enemy has stolen from me hel me recover whatever ground I have given the enemy because of  any form of unforgiveness bitterness and grudges in Jesus mighty name amen



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