Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Prayers against mind attacks and temptations

Prayers against mind attacks and temptations 

Published 02-15-2022

Isaiah 26:3 

1) Father your word says in Isaiah 26 verse three you will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on the Lord because he trust in the Lord for this day forward keep my mind in your perfect peace help me to trust you and help my mind to be stayed on you and your word Holy Spirit empowers me to keep my mind stayed on God and his Word in Jesus name amen

2) By Power in the blood of Jesus Christ I erase all evil handwriting of the enemy over my mind in my mind and in my thoughts in the name of Jesus amen

3) By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I soak my mind my conscious mind my subconscious mind and conscious mind in the power of the blood of Jesus Christ

4) By the power of the blood of Jesus Christ I reclaim claim and regain back my mind from the possession and control manipulation  of demons, spirits demons of Lust  fornication adultery and any others in the mighty  name of Jesus Christ . Amen 

5) “ Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;”

‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭10:5‬ ‭KJV‬‬


In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I cast down all ungodly imaginations perverse imagination sexually immoral immoral imaginations imaginations that leads to watching pornography and masturbating having sexual fantasies and there’s such like casting down and bring into captivity to the beatings of Jesus Christ I also cast down every imagination Highfield there is exhausted and self. It’s the knowledge of Jesus Christ and I can sit down and bring a captivity to the business of Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus Christ amen

6 ) in the name of Jesus Christ Holy Spirit of God take control of my mind guide my mind and power my mind help me to control my mind through the word of God in the name of Jesus Christ amen

7) Thy word O God have I hid in my heart that I will not sin against you heavenly father in empower me through the  Holy Spirit under the guidance of the Holy Spirit to fill my mind with your word let my mind be saturated with your word let my heart be so saturated with your word so that I will not sin against you in Jesus name amen

By the power in the blood of Jesus I break all spells of occult mind control all entanglements with the octopus spirit which represents the spirit of mind control and any other mind control schemes of Satan In the name of Jesus Christ I break my mind free from the hold captivity possession poisoning and injections and I proclaim  in the name of Jesus Christ  all the toxins be removed spiritually and physically by the power in the blood of Jesus Christ amen

Father God in the name of Jesus Christ I submit my mind to you I resist the devil and I command him to flee in the name of Jesus Christ amen

By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I reclaim back all grounds in my mind that I have given  over for the enemy to use and  take control of , in the name of Jesus I take control of reclaim all parts of my mind , and the ground and I have given in my mind to the enemy through my years  of sinning  watching things I shouldn’t watch hearing things I shouldn’t hear going to places that shouldn’t go , or other sinful lifestyles I reclaim  all the ground back in the name of Jesus Christ and I command it be sealed with the blood of Jesus Christ amen

Heavenly father your word says no temptation has taken any man but every every man is drawn by his lust , but with thetemptation you will make a way to escape 

so father God every lust of my mind every lust  of my flesh as your word says in Ephesian 2:3 I ask  that you remove every lust  of my mind and lust of the flesh and give me your Godly nature personified through Jesus Christ in Jesus name amen.

By and through the power in the blood of Jesus I resist every mind attacks directed at moving me away from my faith in God in the name of Jesus amen

Itmy mind heard the word of God you belong to God therefore receive the power of God receive the touch of the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus Christ , 

in the name of Jesus Christ 

I claim a hedge of fire built right above , around and in. my mind like a mighty fortress in the mighty name of Jesus Christ . Amen 

Father as I read your Word sharpen my mind with your words make my mind super sharp so the enemy cannot bridge or get right into my mind in the name of Jesus Christ amen

Holy Spirit of God  fill my mind with the word of God strengthen my mind with the word of God in the name of Jesus amen

Holy Spirit heal my mind from all of mind dramas , emotional traumas , sexual traumas soul traumas , all kinds of traumas in the name of Jesus Christ amen

Heavenly father God in the name of Jesus Christ I ask that you break every cycle , every stronghold of the enemy that has caused my mind to regress back to a sinful state, I ask you break it completely and re-create my mind renew my mind with your power and your love fill my mind with your love and your power in Jesus name amen 

Prayers to break free from cultic churches deliverance prayers for victims of Cultic churches

 Prayers to break free from cultic churches deliverance prayers for victims of cult churches 

Father God I come before you right now and I confess and repent of any and all since they have me committed in ignorance or with knowledge that has resulted in me being in the bondage of so-called church that has been operating as a cult is that you forgive me and please me with your blood in the name of Jesus Christ amen

I confess my sins in my trespasses before you with the atonement atoning power in the blood of Jesus Christ is that your cleanse me with the blood of Jesus in Jesus name I’m free my mind from your bondage captivity or lack there any colt colt at church or pastor or ministries ministry has placed up on my mind all life in the name of Jesus Christ amen

Power in the blood of Jesus Christ I reclaim back everything has been stolen from me buried or locked away while attending a Cultic church or under the supervision or covering of a Cultic church of false Paterson or ministry who is it operated as a  shaman , War lock  or an agent of darkness or satanic minister in the name of Jesus Christ amen

By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I break every conscious subconscious and unconscious soul ties  covenant or links with anyone in a cultic church cultic ministries cultic pastors cultic members or anyone in the church operating as a cult that has put me in a bondage and is  being used to track monitor or oppress  me in the name of Jesus Christ amen

The power in the blood of Jesus Christ I reject pronounce and remove all evil transferences spiritual and physical transferences that have come into my life by attending a church that is operating as a cult or minister operating as a shaman a witch doctor a warlock masonic minister ilumiNATTI ministers ministers of Satan and any counterfeit minister or ministries or individuals in any position of the so-called church and I asked that you remove all these evil transferences and fill me with the Holy Spirit in Jesus name amen

 By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I renounce and reject every and anything that has entered into my life through any form of false Holy Spirit‘s false laying on of hands satanic manipulation destiny perversion sex with any of the members in the cult like church or Cultic minister or ministry and anything else that does not glorify you and I ask for your mercy with abs without my knowledge or ignorance , dear God  remove it all the way from me in Jesus name amen. 

Heavenly father in the name of Jesus Christ I asked that you heal me of any emotional mental sexual traumas today or any other dramas that I have experienced or hurts or damages done to myself because of my direct or indirect involvement or attendance at a false churches cultic churches ilumiNATTI churches masonic churches false ministers using False or counterfeit anointing, false teachings , false ministries. False summons , fakse sprayers prayer centering ,  chanting , mind blanking )  ungodly prayer schemes or patterns eastern religion mixture of falling knowledge with the word of God and any other traumas from such practices and I ask  that you heal me in Jesus name amen

Heavenly Father that you touch those where I have left  behind at the Cultic or fakse church or ministry ( be your brothers keeper )who are worthy of your deliverance and freedom and are  still in the bondage of that cultic church false  minister, ministries or pastors in the name of Jesus set them free  in Jesus name amen

By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I break, remove , reject anything that has come into my life and from the bondage with and through serpent anointing python anointing cougar anointing Jezebel anointing ahab, Delilah anointing kundalini spirits and such like every other kind of  ungodly anointing 90I ask that you roast it it up with your fire remove it from my life remove its operation and its function from my life and set me free in Jesus name amen

By The power in the blood of Jesus Christ I will draw my name my first and my last name my picture including my possessions my bank accounts anything that personally identifies me physically ,  spiritual that is in a possession of a church operating as a cult or any false minister operating as a cult leader or Satanist covert Satanist , shaman , warlock, masonic minister and such like I will draw all of it from the evil alters and their evil ledgers and books May they be consumed by the fire of God in the name of Jesus and I claim  Divine hedge of protection against the abs their counter attacks in Jesus name amen

In the name of Jesus Christ the word of God says whatever I bind in earth is bound in heaven whatever I lose on earth is loses in heaven  therefore in the name of Jesus Christ I bind all the demons familiar spirits tracking spirits monitoring spirits and the such like that is pursuing my life harassing my life Oppressing my life from any false minister, false laying of hands, false , importations , demonic impartation , satanic importations , kundalini  spirits black magic, white magic , magic , sorcery witchcraft and the such like that have come up on my life due to attendance at the False Church,  false ministry or the falls pastor or false deliverance sessions in the name of Jesus Christ amen

Father God you were says whatever you have not planted  shall be rooted up and 


Therefore  whatever spiritual physical implantations inside of my body my intestines and my blood in my DNA any part of my body my clothes  all of my possessions or through any flyers , books and and materials from any false churches pastors or ministries tans  any so-called holy communion which is or which was an unconscious form of initiation or or séance ritual I asked that you destroyed from my life permanently  and destroy it with your consuming fire in the name of Jesus Christ amen

By the  power in the blood of Jesus Christ I break all connections physical and spiritual connections any hooks or energy drains that HAVE OR ARE been used to drain the anointing , Glory and the power of God for my life due to contact with the false minister , ministry or Pastor(s) or attendance of a false church operating under the tutelage or leader ship of covert satanist , illuminati members , masonic pastors , satanic priest or priestess or any agents of darkness who have infiltrated  the house of God I asked that she breaking  me free. Set me free and apart permanently from the connections and give me peace in Jesus name amen. 

Heavenly father send your Holy Spirit to fill every void inside of me that has been created since I left that False Church, false ministry , false church abs remove satanic powers or knowledge or wisdom from me fill me with your Holy Spirit and power and might in the name of Jesus amen

In the name of Jesus Christ Heavenly Father I ask in the name of Jesus Christ that you remove every fear from me that may have been injected into my mind through any physical or spiritual harassment or intimidation tactics from the false , church pastor, ministry , so called false churches and the such like for you have not given me a spirit of fear but of power of love and a sound mind so I claim a spirit of God’s POWER , LOVE AND A SOUND MIND RIGHT  NOW in Jesus name amen

Cashapp: Targeted4JesusChrist 


For live deliverance prayers pls join in via TikTok 

Thursday’s 7-9pm

Sundays :4-7-7:30pm

Location LIVE ON TIKTOK : https://vm.tiktok.com/TTPdMMhxES/

click the circle with the logo button that says “LIVE” 

Prayer requests can be sent also online via TikTok or Instagram 

God Bless. 

Monday, February 7, 2022

Deliverance prayers for victims of sex cults and for those trapped directly and indirectly in the sex industry and those who used to work as sex objects in the porn industry and the such like

 Deliverance prayers  for victims of sex cults and for those trapped directly and  indirectly in the sex industry and those who used to work as sex objects in the porn industry and the such like 

Heavenly father your word says in first John chapter 1 verse nine if we confess our sins you are faithful and just to forgive us of all since all our sins so heavenly father forgive me of  all the sins of adultery fornication masturbation sexualities orgies perverted sexual acts anal oral sex , perverted multiple sex positions , sex with multiple , partners , bisexuality homosexuality , lesbianism, pedophilia bestiality , sexual rituals , sexual orgies , sex magic , sexual witchcraft, sexual sorcery, any forms of sexual sins in opposition  of  the pure intent of sex for  procreation as you purely  created it for in the name of Jesus amen

Heavenly father in the name of Jesus Christ by the power of the blood of Jesus Christ I immerse myself in the blood of Jesus Christ immerse myself in the blood of Jesus Christ ( ( 

NOTE: pls say  or repeat the above prayer  seven times over and over ) this helps to reinforce your faith it’s not a vain repetition . 

In the name of Jesus Christ I CLAIM my freedom from the bondage of sexual LUST that has led me to become a sex worker , porn angel(star) and sins of iniquity and unrighteousness in the name of Jesus Christ amen. Heal my brokenness Dear God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ 

In the name of Jesus Christ I command the Purifying, sanctifying spiritual  fire of the Most High God( , the I AM THAT I AM , the one who declares himself and shows himself as a consuming fire ) to enter into my soul and set ablaze my soul and burn inside and outside of me enter into my body soul and spirit burn out all the demons , unclean spiritS, perverse sports out of me in the name of Jesus Christ amen and make me totally pure in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen 

In the name of Jesus Christ I speak to the root of the sexual sins that came into my life through any form or manner , sex mind control , MK ULTRA, RAPE, molestation , sex trafficking , psychic manipulation , control , possession, pesticides sexual remote control , psychic sexual psychosis and I commend this foot or roots be consumed by the fire of God in the MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS CHRIST 

by the word of God which says there is power of life and death in the tongue I command the roots of such  sexual perversion to die and never live again in the mighty name of Jesus Christ amen

I take the sword of God which is the word of God and cut to pieces all the roots and I ask Father God that you uproot all the evil seeds and tree trunks(spiritual) and the such like planted on me in the name of Jesus Christ 


Father God in the name of Jesus Christ forgive me of the sins of my youth , forgive me of the transgressions of my youth, I ask you visit the time of my innocence and CONVERT TO NORMALITY and HEAD all sexual traumas emotional traumas mental traumas that Have directly and indirectly plagued my life and  which caused me to seek indulgence in this  sinful lifestyles in the name of Jesus Christ amen. 

Father God in the name of Jesus Christ take me back in time to my day of your handiwork that made you create me , the day that you created me and effect a  spiritual physical emotional , sexual reset for me in my life and set me back to your divine will and purpose in the mighty name of Jesus Christ amen your word says you make all things new so make all things new in my life in Jesus name amen. 

In the name of Jesus Christ I bind all demons of lust , fornication,  adultery, pornography, sex worker demons, harm prey demons, un cleanliness , bestiality, serpentine spirits, python spurt s and other spirits including spirit of  Jezebel ,Ahab and Delilah spirits that have come into my life , encroached my life , possess my life , manipulated my life wasted my potentials and gifts  and  BIND THEM ALL UP AND CAST THEM INTO THE PITS OF HELL in the mighty name of Jesus Christ amen. 

Father God your word says that your anointing , breaks the yoke so dear God release, your anointing and break all ungodly soul ties in my life to rape molestation sexual trauma porn masturbation and other sexual sins including a perverse sexual lifestyle such as lesbianism homosexuality bisexuality pedophilia and anything else that is perverse in the name of Jesus Christ amen

Heavenly father God renew my mind that God give me the mind of Christ and the mind of victory in the name of Jesus Christ for your word says let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus set your mind on things above and not things below in the name of Jesus thank you father in Jesus name amen

In the name of Jesus Christ I renounce and break every spell , incantation and the such like used  actively or passively to alter my mind giving access for sex demons , demons of sexual perversion , to freely enter in and exit my life , body or sexual organs , or to make my life as a host for the vile affections and I commend all these demons  be bound in the MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS CHRIST AND CAST INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE IN THE NAME OF Jesus Christ amen. 

Father God in the name of Jesus Christ , by the power in the blood of Jesus  i repossess and claim my sexual organs , my penis in my vagina and my breast my buttocks my anus and every part of me that is linked or has been sexually stimulated , perverted or altered  including my sight and smell from the influence control manipulation seduction possession of demons and powers of darkness and I command my organs, body parts or  members(body)   be sealed with the blood of Jesus in Jesus Christ’s name amen. 

If you feel a reaction in your intimate areas , continuously plead the blood of Jesus Christ on them : say I plead the blood of Jesus Christ on my organs in the name of Jesus Christ amen( say it repeatedly to reinforce your confidence in God’s word through faith and this prayer to God’s glory in the name of Jesus Christ . Amen . 

By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I reclaim all sexual energy that I have lost sexual anointing  I have lost  due to unprotected sexual intercourse outside of marriage 

and all un clean lifestyles and behaviors or indulgences through masturbation and sexual fantasy or foreplay or direct sexual contact with the same sex opposite sex in a name of Jesus Christ amen

(marriage is between and MAN AND A WOMAN - (GENESIS 5:2 speaks volumes to our degraded sinful mind blinded generation)   

In the name of Jesus Christ I command the fire of God to increase infinite fold  and flow into my body soul and spirit flush out all sex demons of incubus and succubus spirit and their little babies and demons in the name of Jesus , GET OUT (say this with full super strong emphasis ) 

 in the name of Jesus Christ amen I commend your power over me and around me and in me be shattered to  pieces in the name of Jesus amen

By the power in Blood of Jesus Christ I break  off and severe with the sword of God every soul tie  with incubus and succubus spirit in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

Blood of Jesus Christ I break the hold and yoke  Thats permitting me to be sexually violated or by demons coming to violate me sexually in my dreams spiritually and physically in the name of Jesus Christ amen. 

By the power in blood of Jesus Christ I break every hold and yoke  with such vile demons have over me and allow them violate  my body soul or spirit or torment in the name of Jesus Christ 

By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I  claim back my body back as a vessel for God and no longer a vessel for demons and sexual Perverted spirits, sexual violated demons , incubus (asmody) , Succubus (asmodeus), andromeda sex principality ( men ) Medusa sex principality ( for women and men) and another other spirits in Jesus name. Amen 

 by the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I claim  DIVINE healing for my soul in a name of Jesus Christ amen. 

By the power of the blood of Jesus Christ I reclaim back all fragments of my soul transferred to anyone I have had sex with physically and spiritually oral sex , sexual orgies , rape , molestation , sexual fantasy , you and wherever such fragmentation has occurred  or is about to occur in the mighty name of Jesus Christ . Amen . 

Divine word of Knowledge :

Scripture says when A man looks lustfully  on a woman he has committed the sin of fornication sexual fantasy involves the use of thought your thoughts create and  un-create reality as ordained by God , 

The reality of God  through God’s word and by his power alone brings peace and brings supernatural reality , 

reality of sin brings torment and fear and pleasure of sin. Brings torment and fear and rage , instability so be mindful of your thoughts  God Bless you the name of Jesus amen

If you need prayers and counseling pls reach out 

God Bless You 

The world may hate and despise you but the greatest Love of all is God 

Deliverance prayers to break soul ties all soul ties especially soul ties from past toxic relationship relationships Part 1

 Deliverance prayers to break soul ties all soul ties especially soul ties from past toxic relationship relationships Part 1

Authored: 02-07-2022

Before praying pls pray these every night after midnight this is the time to enact judgment cancel reverse and undo evils of the enemy through prayer 

Fasting is recommends : 

Fasting from 6am-12 am



Are starting points of fasting 

Longer fasts should be taken as necessary

If you still dealing with this issues pls reach out to me or have an anointed. MAN of God pray for you . 

First pray and confess your sins be honest God knows your heart 

Pray with 1 John 1:9

Put on the Whole Armor of God by praying  with Ephesians 6:10-18

This is SPIRITUAL WARFARE, so ask for strength 

Feed on the word of God 

Read , study and meditate( not yoga, this is satanic  AND OCCULTIC)  . A minimum of 10 Chapters of the Bible in the morning and another 10 at night before bed and 5 before and after the warfare prayers 

You need this much as a minimum to feed your soul 

This is just a guide as people are very ignorant and too hard hearted 

So follow as the Holy Spirit Leads 

1) Heavenly  father  I come before you and I confess and  repent of Any and all sins I have committed in disobedience ignorance with and without the knowledge of your truth that led me into a relationship with the same sex or the opposite sex and and sexual intercourse outside marriage and 

has put me in a bondage both  physically and spiritually through SoulTies and is been used to torment, afflict, block or hinder your plan and  purposes and blessings from my life I ask that you forgive me and wash me clean by your blood in the mighty name of Jesus Christ amen


Read Psalm 124:7

 " Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers:The snare is broken, and we are escaped.

Father your word says as a bird my soul is escaped out of the snare of the  fowler , the snare is broken and I am escaped , therefore Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Christ break every sneer my life has entered into because of any current past or future or ungodly relationships with the same sex or the opposite sex or sexual intercourse  in the name of Jesus Christ amen

3)  By the power of the blood of Jesus Christ I break all soul ties with 

  ( mention their names one by one )

and I commend that every evil transference's that has come into my life through the soul tie formed t through sex,  kissing , caressing , sexual fantasy imagination,  touch , communion , hanging out with anyone  in the name of Jesus I reject those evil transference's and I commend them to return back to the base or possessor  or to the pits of hell in the name of Jesus Christ amen

4) By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I break all sexual soul ties tying me to the demons and spirits in the lives of anybody that I have had sexual contact with current past or future and it resulted in a channel of flow of the evils into my life and I ask that you block all these flows and separate me from them physically and spiritually in Jesus Christ  Name amen

5) Through and by thee  Power in the blood of Jesus Christ I came back all my virtues by Glories,  my stars,  my Destinies my purposes,  my ideas,  my blessings everything that pertains to me that has been stolen or is  been stolen through any soul ties  that I have with anyone and any other ungodly soul ties including soul ties  through Pastor’s, false ministries, Ministries operating  as a cult under or on the influence or control of a demonic Pastor, satanic ministers, covert and overly  in the name of Jesus amen

6) By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I reclaim back all the divine promises of God for my life that I’ve been stolen through having an ungodly soul tie through sex or any other means in the name of Jesus Christ amen

7) By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I break all energy drains , sexual energy drains,  hooks spiritual hooks that is being purposed directed and channeled through these soul ties to drain me of my happiness my peace my joy my fellowship with you  God , my spiritual walk spiritual authority spiritual dominance my deliverance my breakthroughs my strength in the Lord and any other thing that has been drained, is being  drained from me and I command all that has been drained for me be  restored back to me cleansed with the blood of Jesus in Jesus name amen

8) By the power in the blood of Jesus I command the east wind of God empowered by the the Holy Spirit and through the Holy Spirit to extract all evil deposits deposited inside of me through any sexual soul ties , in any form or manner in the name of Jesus Christ amen

9) By the power of the blood of Jesus Christ I command all the fragments of the persons or individual spirits or demons that have been deposited or attached to me through any Soul Ties through sex  be extracted by the power of the Holy Spirit and return back to the original locations in the name of Jesus Christ amen

10) By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I clean my freedom from the bondage captivity imprisonment torment affliction oppression suppression depression setbacks limitations curses that this ungodly soul tie has brought me under or into , or that’s is always keeping me in or under in the name of Jesus Christ amen

11) In thee name of  Jesus Christ I bind all the demons enforcing any soul ties over my life and cast him to the pits of hell in the name of Jesus Christ amen

12) In the Mighty name of Jesus Christ I bind all demons released through any spells because of any soul tie i have  with anyone of which the other person or party  is now taking vengeance against me and using this soul tie as  is a legal ground in my life to afflict, restrict  or rip apart my life or destroy my life I command these demons  Be bound up and cast  into the pits of hell in the name of Jesus Christ amen

13) By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I break the spell the curse the influence the control,  the manipulation of , possession and attack of the spirit of the narcissist the spirit of Jezebel that is controlling me actively passively because of  past present soul ties and  future ones  and is bringing me harm and destruction and untold hardship delays and stagnation in the name of Jesus Christ amen

14) Father God in the name of Jesus every spiritual covenant that has been enforced through any soul ties  in my life by the other party I have any contact with sexually whether the same sex or the opposite sex that is being used to drag me or put me in their grip id hold  I commend all of them be BROKEN  right now in the name of Jesus Christ amen    

15) I ClaimAngelic  protection and ceiling from all inflows and outflows not permitted by God because of any sexual sins. Soul ties  in my life in the name of Jesus Christ amen

16) By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I close all spiritual doors and portals allow this person and the demons thats giving  this person to access my life through any sexual soul ties in the name of Jesus Christ amen  

17) By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ father God change my spiritual frequency disconnect me from every spiritual frequency that is connecting me to any evils evil spirits demons of incubus and succubus and the spirits and demons in the lives of the individual that I’ve had any ungodly soul ties with be it of the same sex opposite sex , sex with animals(beastiality)  or through sexual fantasy or through porn in the mighty name of Jesus Christ amen

18) Heavenly father restore the purity of your glory of your power and your anointing in my body and in the sexual area of my life that has been contaminated polluted poisoned dreamed repurpose site found through any soul ties phone through sex in any other means in the name of Jesus Christ amen

19) Heavenly father name of Jesus Christ I ask that you reveal  everything I need to know that I don’t know concerning any other soul ties that is connected to me or being used as a mantle to oppress me or hurt me or in prison me and destroy all these mantles  as you reveal these things enact  complete deliverance for me in the name of Jesus Christ amen

20) Heavenly father I ask that you restore  in purity  the sexual anointing you have placed  in my seed through my sperm or eggs and seal it with the blood of Jesus Christ from all thefts  by Satan, Baal, Lilith ,  incubus ,succubus,  spirit sex demons , andromeda sex principality ( for Males) 

,Medusa sex principality , mermaid and serpent , python spirits ( for females ) , and any known and Unknown spirits and unclean spirit in Jesus name amen

21) Power in the blood of Jesus Christ disconnect my conscious subconscious unconscious mind from the control manipulation , coercion and  possession of any unclean spirits because of any sexual soul ties in Jesus name amen

Prayers against voodoo Curses, Spells, Voodoo dolls and witchcraft and the such like

Authored: 02-07-2022

Free to the Body of Jesus Christ 

  1. By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I confess and repent of any sins transgressions permitting any form of witchcraft and voodoo spells curses and attacks through voodoo dolls being used against me in the name of Jesus Christ amen

  1. By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I nullify  all forms of voodoo curses rituals spells incantations and such like a used against me in the name of Jesus Christ amen

  1. By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I break any evil curses spells and the suchlike through voodoo on any other means that is permitting voodoo curses and spells to oppress afflict destroy damage or interfere with any of my life and I command it to return sevenfold to the sender in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen 

  1. In the name of Jesus Christ the Son of God I serve all links spiritual and physical linking me to any and all voodoo voodoo dolls voodoo objects voodoo charms and the such like  including my picture or any of my belongings,  voiceprints, images in the mighty name of Jesus be destroyed in Jesus name

  1. By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I claim a hedge of protection infinite fold over and against all voodoo spells hexes curses and such like in the mighty name of Jesus Christ amen

  1. By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I reclaim back all that belongs to me that has been stolen and buried locked up through any form of voodoo spells or hexes in the mighty name of Jesus Christ amen

  1. By the power of the blood of Jesus Christ I reclaim my life my well-being my prosperity my business my finance my family and all that pertains to me from all influences control and manipulation possession occupation through voodoo spells curses voodoo dolls and such like in the mighty name of Jesus Christ amen

  1. By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I smite the root of this attack of voodoo dolls due to spells incantations witchcraft sorcery black magician black magic white magic water magic wind magic land magic spiritual magic solution magic psychic magic conscious magic unconscious magic subconscious magic and other forms of the powers of practice of doctors and I command it  to whither  and die in the mighty name of Jesus Christ amen

  1. Power in the blood of Jesus Christ quench all voodoo candles, fires, seances , burnings and such like used against me in the name of Jesus Christ amen

  1. In the name of Jesus Christ I command a fiery fire of God to destroy and consume all objects of voodoo voodoo dolls being used against me in the name of Jesus Christ amen

  1. By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I counsel or traces and elements of voodoo voodoo curses spells and such like past present and future be blocked and returned back to the sender in the name of Jesus I command the mighty milestone be attached to the neck and hands and feet of whoever it  is doing this against me and 

I command it  to crush the sender and the initiator  of the voodoo curses ,spells it in the name of Jesus I command all these evil will be rolled back like a mighty milestone  back to the sender initiator and whoever is benefiting from these voodoo attacks and I committed it to-crush the senders and all involved parties in the name of Jesus Christ amen

  1. In the name of Jesus Christ father command a strong and mighty angel to pick up the heaviest Milestone  and attack it to the neck of the initiator and beneficiary of the attacker of voodoo against me and bind the  cord around his neck and cast them into the sea of their evil and wickedness and cause  them to drown in their death and never receive redemption forever in the name of Jesus Christ because your word says suffer not a witch to live in the name of Jesus Christ let this be their portion in Jesus name amen

 13. By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ all objects and curses used as a point of contact to enable or empower the transmission or the reach of voodoo spells curses and the such like  through any food spell using dolls or any other objects be destroyed by the power in the blood of Jesus 

  1. In the name of Jesus Christ by the power in the blood of Jesus Christ be disconnected from me by the power in the blood of Jesus and be consumed ashes by the power of the fire of God in the name of Jesus Christ amen
  3. By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ I asked father God that you shield  me and protect me from all demonic satanic counterattacks and countdown salts because of this prayer against the enemy in the name of Jesus Christ amen